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Posts posted by Imp81

  1. If Friday's front fails to deliver, we can look forward to N Sea snow showers, they can deliver some really big totals and I have fond memories of them.

    Thats exactly what i was thinking, i'd trade Fridays single dumping event for continuing cold and frequent snow showers pushing inland , though no guarantee those really cold uppers pushing into scandi edging our way is a by product of short term loss and that front missing some of us perhaps?

    If that front on friday comes too far east it does'n't bode well for prolonging the cold in the longer term, so be careful what you wish for, 2010 snow (though not for perhaps the west of our region) was off the North sea generally good.gif Got no higher than -4 here all day and lovely Hoar frost on the trees and hedgerows etc in the freezing fog most atmospheric

  2. Looking at it i'd be surprised to see much more than light snow friday the fronts losing ground south ...however the bigger picture of this meaning the colder airs stronger to our North East which will hopefully mean as already stated the North sea snow machine will strike up and those glorious lines of showers will drift inland constantly and little features will pop up, nothings concrete and even shifts of relatively small distance will affect what we see and thats changing constantly, heres to sub 0 days from the NE, currently -6 here in Winterton

  3. I'm depressed already at this murk and mildness currently 4 degrees as i type and apart from shaded or piled areas snows melted effectively, so hoping the possible arctic incursion next weekend perhaps upgrades tho most likely it will be watered down or end up the brief ECM suggested affair, on a positive note however there's still i reckon 4 weeks left for proper and genuinely cold weather left and longer for spring convection and sudden temp drops (clutches straw) :rofl:

  4. Could be a double bonus this weekend new bulking cycle in the gym starting and a walloping of snow, frustrating seeing the clouds out at sea knowing there's snow there seems theres a few beefy showers out there just too slack a flow :-( , had a few very light graupel showers here today and feeling bitterly cold working in it maxing at 1.5! A thrilling day at Horncastle tomorrow though the gaffer has'nt thought of weather conditions so possibly a wasted trip even a dusting halts work :rofl:

  5. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than myself will elaborate however the big low pressure system coming down thursday night to friday needs to be progged a little further North, nothings set in stone yet as the track of it is flipping and flopping however they are notorious to plot till sometimes within t+12 (note i hope this is correct i'm sure someone may correct me if not) :good:

  6. All eyes on Friday mornings events, here's hoping it gives some of us a festive boost, I was working up near Caistor today, and registered an amazing max of 4 degrees and felt bloody raw with wind chill after a awaking to a nice white frost .It was also rather frustrating seeing showers in the the not too far distance this afternoon, even sleet would excite me at the moment, but can't grumble i guess its been a lot cooler than progged a few weeks back.

  7. A strange day today though cloudy when leaving for work it was a chilly 3 degrees and didn't rise much above 4.5 then the clouds broke around 1pm and the sun appeared and we maxed at 8 and i nearly earnt a sweat bonus :D, working outside certainly makes you aware of climatic changes rofl.gif and as Brian said the dry weather is a nice change lets hope things dry out a bit, i get rather fed up of walking around with two inches of clay like mud stuck under my boots!

  8. Awoke to a frozen windscreen on my work van, made a change been a while sad.gif, a dry but cloudy morning and a nipping breeze was noticeable, as clouds darkened and we had a short and sharp hail shower which made a refreshing change to nagging light drizzly rain which followed for around an hour max temp of 8.5 falling to 6 in the precipitation, i wish the saga in the model thread would make its mind up i have no amazing expectations but every time you feel like giving in hope a glimmer appears to be dashed yet again the next day for something vaguely wintry which for our region is an off chance wacko.gif

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