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Kirkcaldy Weather

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Everything posted by Kirkcaldy Weather

  1. Those aint very mild temperatures for here Meteociel.fr - Tableaux GEFS WWW.METEOCIEL.FR La météo en temps réel et prévisions météo pour la France, Observations météo, modèles numériques et logiciels météo (GFS, ECMWF, UKMO, GEM, AROME, ARPEGE, JMA)
  2. With phase 2 MJO conditions continuing the cool / cold zonality is likely to continue too, still some snowfall chances as we head over the next few days (especially over higher ground but possibly some wintry conditions in a few lower spots too) has been plenty of wintry showers across Scotland today and higher areas like Braemar and Cairngorms have had some snowfall. Models still toying with the idea of higher pressure development around Christmas time (as some others have also mentioned) lots more runs needed before any confidence in this and exact positioning will be key should it develop, some from tonight's GEM ensembles.
  3. Some very very wet flakes mixing in as this shower moves in here
  4. Looks like some possible thundersnow on the radar heading toward Carrbridge / Aviemore Currently 4.9 C / DP 2.6 C and sunny here
  5. This was what the MO said before the most recent changes to the warnings "Improvements have also been made to the way people can access, understand and use warning information. These improvements include: extending how far before severe weather warnings can be issued: from five days to seven days ahead improving the language used to communicate severe weather and impacts, including advice as to what to expect and what action to take issuing warnings faster and, therefore, with shorter lead times when the weather is changing rapidly improving the look and feel across all Met Office digital channels, our website and app making the warnings easier to understand." Met Office Weather Warnings: What is changing? WWW.METOFFICE.GOV.UK We're introducing two new national weather warnings, thunderstorms and lightning. The bits I have highlighted are what I wouldn't really agree with we have seen many times in the past where warnings have been issued when the event has already started (snowfalls etc). Everyone will have different opinions on the website / app appearance but I wouldn't say it has really improved and as for the last bit we have seen warnings overlap and be hard to decipher which area is being covered by what warning.
  6. Obviously will be run to run changes but possibly some interest around Christmas?
  7. Will let @Catacol answer your question as I don't understand the ins and outs of the IOD but found these tweets
  8. A Clyde-Forth streamer perhaps? Can tell the cold front went through high of 12.6 C earlier now down to 5.6 C / DP 4.1 C
  9. Minging December temperatures have returned, currently 12.2 C / DP 9.8 C here thankfully temporary before the colder air and possible snow showers move in. WRF still not working so looks like a bit of a guessing game for the upcoming wintry potential but I think a bit of everything will be on offer rain/sleet/snow/hail and possibly thunder too. Although having a look around the other short range models they seem to keep the majority of the showers in the W / NW with little making it across further east although the euro 4 holding firm as @CatchMyDrift posted earlier, usually when you see one model out on its own it ends up being somewhere between that and the others so will be interesting to see how it plays out.
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