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Everything posted by gsteruk

  1. Decent snow for a short time in Cumbernauld, paths and roads are a slushfest! Temp is hovering around 1 degree- if that starts to freeze......gritters again are notable by their absence
  2. Thick ice, some snow but more rain. I see the BBC 5 day has replaced the snow over the next few days with heavy rain...
  3. I'm.surprised its so quiet here, the first day of any real low level snow....
  4. Some snow showers here in Cumbernauld today, not lying obviously due to all the rain but its nice to see! Bitter 2 degrees though
  5. -3 at the new point overnight in cumbernauld. Now its peeing with rain, not sure of the temps till I get to the car lol
  6. BBC are predicting light snow showers for G67 tomorrow.... My my
  7. This year already feels better than last year - no science it just feels like winter is here a little lol
  8. Agreed, as much as I love extreme weather - buffalo weather would kill the uk very quickly
  9. As much as the Buffalo weather looks like a wonderful thing,absolutely no chance could this country handle it. We would grind to a halt in very short time. Could you imagine this government trying to deal with it?
  10. Things certainly seem to have perked up,hope it comes to something!
  11. I think your missing the point that people probably are not taking anything serious at all. More people are saying what they think, or would like the believe. Noones betting their house on it.
  12. Still a while to go, things change all the time, still keeping my fingers crossed!
  13. The folks at exacta are certain winter starts next week. I would ask them based on what on their fb page but I seem to be blocked for commenting that it's the same forecast every year from them lol
  14. I too don't know anything of the science,I just love the excitement around here when things turn wintery and severe! Indeed everything crossed we see a few snowy events in the near future!
  15. I see the exacta boys are predicting the end of the world again starting soon...
  16. Things seems really much more unsettled and wintry alreat this year compared to last, which is great, but even for me its a bit early. Best to get the wild stuff out of the way so we can have some nice calm for December. I want still, cold and snowy, the wind and rain doesn't do it for me I'm afraid
  17. I really hope we get a chance this year to do some lamppost watching, last year still hurts lol
  18. New year is a bit of a blargh time for me. Xmas is over and back to work soon - urgh! Past new years eve and my interest wanes, its all about Xmas and the run up to it for me
  19. I love when the clocks go back, its just another preparation for winter. If we can have cold crisp and luckily snowy nights too - all the better!
  20. Yeah keep it calm, it's a weather forum - not a place for twisted knickers! Agree or disagree with whatever you like, no need to be so precious. Peace!
  21. His Facebook page is hilarious, if u ask anything about his methods or inaccuricies the comment just gets deleted
  22. I think peoples tatse for a snowy or frosty run up to Christmas starts to build as we get towards the end of October. Mine never really needs much building but a few cold nights certainly starts to get me more in the mood. Tonight here its actually feeling very autumnal, nice and crisp. Although the rain and gales that are due is quite interesting, I want it out of the way for cold and crisp to return! Extremes for this year - it has to be snowfall for me. Amount of snow in a short period, or snowfall over a lengthy period. Snow very much the feature lol
  23. I've liked how September has ended, generally sunny but cool, what's the prospects of things getting notably cooler for October?
  24. Totally agree, the run up to Christmas is a much better time for some winter weather. Cold, crisp, frosty, icy or snowy - as you say, anything but dull great and wet!
  25. i know nothing at all about making forecasts, so i think i could cobble a good approximation on my own lol
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