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Everything posted by EllyTech

  1. Apparently there was thunder near me recently. Saw and heard nothing. Anywhere that has that heavy rain is in with a chance.
  2. Thought all the inversions would stop the lift today. Then the Sun came out and towers went up. Had no idea.. Amber warning for rain and Estofex level 1 severe. <rubbing hands>
  3. Today, I put my outdoor Tomatoes out, and planted sweetcorn. I do hope there are no hail storms in the offing, or, convective gusts.
  4. Yep. Still going on in France but nothing seems to want to enter the Channel just yet.
  5. Very muggy. Temp 20C Humidity 78% Dewpoint 16C currently. Not much chance of a severe storm like last night - not that that excited so many of us. But storms have fired - mainly in France so we might piggly back on that. Certainly juicy enough in the atmosphere.
  6. Appreciate that and agree for more the region.. but this cell..... in a level 2 severe.... its so tantalising for us up here just now. Feels muggy Temp 18C Humidity 88% Dewpoint 16C
  7. I'm not surprised. It has clear air around it. https://en.sat24.com/en/gb/infraPolair perfect for both the storm longevity and distant views. Its also quite bad a@@s
  8. Instead of moving further North or NW, those Milton Keynes area storms are back building Southward. They also look to be slightly expanding laterally, West and East. Plenty of hail cores, multiclustered by the look - MCS.
  9. Aside from the storm cluster in the East of England/Midlands right now, we have ourselves a tiny little discreet cell just West of Stroud, Gloucestershire, making its way North. Either that, or its a swarm of Aphids and farmer Ants destined for my Tomatoes lol.
  10. A great chase route right now would be Northbound M5 then M42 Birmingham.
  11. Well, estofex -LEVEL 2 SEVERE! Are you inside this zone? I am on the very edge. http://www.estofex.org
  12. Its from a reletively tiny area of precip. on radar. lots of potential for home-grown storms this afternoon.
  13. Sferics just to my SE now. There has been/is a bit of back building happening.
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