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Polar Maritime

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Everything posted by Polar Maritime

  1. Summer hasnt gone anywhere, its only just started..... give it a chance
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqBssviYYY8 a very intersting link on ancient aliens in cave paintings and egytian hierogliphics.
  3. Just found this more up to date link from the Weathergeeks website, a very interesting read. http://globalcoolingnewiceageuk.blogspot.com/
  4. Wasn't a so called "WeatherGeek" ranting about this last year? http://globalcooling...011-update.html
  5. Will hopefully "Weather depending" get some shots to post
  6. Thanks for posting PP, very interest link. I do think consciousness should be questioned alot more in science and taken into consideration. It would answer most of the questions most people keep questioning, I know off Topic but i found this very interesting to
  7. Ive heard that if you cover the logs with ash before you go to bed, it will still be red hot in the morning.
  8. We have Storage Heaters here as theres no gas, they are all or nothing and you have to switch them on 24hrs in advance. Ive heard the new ones that have come out are a little more flexable, But want be upgradeing for a while yet.
  9. Now thats a fantastic idea, but what about the elderly? They suffer more than anyone. I visited my mother the other day, and when i walked through the front door it felt like the caribbean !
  10. I could very easly, but i said at the end of February "Thats it, it's off and stopping off untill next winter now" and im going to try and stick to it. But its certainly very tempting today Edit: Women are nesh..
  11. Ive had that problem in the past, but its never repeated itself since
  12. Of course... though there is a difference between being paid to do a forecast and writing a forecast for a message board. W12. this forum has some very intelligent members when it comes to meteorology. And some of the comments you are makeing have no reasoning behind them at all. The rest of us share knowledge. As you claim to be "trained" why dont you share some of your knowledge? instead of bending the truth against people that do know what they are talking about.
  13. Like i said in my last post " Some people just dont get it " or they are to stuck inside there box to understand. Sitting on the fence and ridiculeing is the easy bit, GP has done all the hard work by makeing the forecast ( yes if the evidence changes, then so does the forecast....... It realy is as simple as that.
  14. I think the lesson SOME people need to learn is that Long Range Forcasts are only a prediction as to what is going to happen its a bit like science, views change from time to time depending on the change of evidence. Its all a learning curb even for the most experience like GP. I for one will take my hat off to GP, as he sticks his neck out twice a year to give us his say on the upcoming season. Even the Met Office have stopped doing them due to being ridiculed by people that just dont get it !
  15. I must say it does seem staged as of all the Big Foot vids. Of course they never saw it untill they replayed the vid, as is always the case. But if i ever see it out and about, i'll chase after it and restrain it.
  16. It just goes to show when looking up things of this nature, it taks a lot of head scratching to sive out all the misinformation.
  17. This link explains the scale of the markings on the sea bed http://xenophilius.wordpress.com/2009/02/20/atlantis-spotted-on-ocean-floor-off-africa/ They say its close to the size of Wales.
  18. Found this site about Atlantis http://www.ufodigest.com/atlantis-discover.html i found it a very interesting read.
  19. Good point, but i do believe that at some point in the past we had far more knowledge than we have now. Something must of happend like a natural disaster and the knowledge we once had was lost, and we are slowly getting it back again. For intance without going into to much detail, you have only got to look at some of the ancient structurs from 10.0000 + years ago or more.
  20. Good Luck with your winter forcast, the detail is just amazing. Found this "Mr laminate floori also told me he is more than happy for me to add that he thinks we are in for a prolonged cold winter again this year. Now that would raise a few eyebrows! " From this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/paulhudson/2011/05/is-summer-2011-set-to-be-a-sco.shtml
  21. Nice photos, thanks for posting. They capture the real and raw nature of Greenland, would love to visit one day !
  22. Looking at the trajectory path its more likely to hit the moon :blink:
  23. I was 2 at the time... but ive heard alot of stories about the snow of April 1981. Very impressive amounts, i found this link which describes just how cold and snowy it was back then http://www.personal.dundee.ac.uk/~taharley/1981_weather.htm
  24. It looks like a Hotcross bun to me. But it does show how easy it is to tweak about with photos and pictures, Its so difficult to source information that is not misinformation..... or is it all misinformation
  25. Ive always had an interest in the unknown, Heres an interesting link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwJxdKfoaU4&feature=more_related As Carl Sagan once quoted -" Life looks for Life"
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