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Northern Strath

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Everything posted by Northern Strath

  1. Currently stumbling around within the ‘what day is it again??’ fog which envelops many of us at this particular time of year but I'm informed it’s Thursday today and it is currently benign and chilly with an overnight snow shower slumped on the windscreen earlier. Yesterday was to be forgotten with a dank mix of snow then sleet then rain showers. Tuesday(??) was better with a couple of inches fall and winds although following the cold/snow earlier in December it felt pretty anticlimactic/melancholic as these snow to milder events tend to be. Waiting for something with more punch again snow-wise though well aware us in the north have been more fortunate than others with the white stuff so far. The month has remained cold enough that large parts of the snow cover which arrived on December 7th onwards lies compacted beneath the sad looking recent stuff and locally tonne bags of grit salt can be found that are still frozen through from the earlier-December deeper cold. Last couple of days of the year look cold enough for ice days with further snow potential up here which is reassuringly seasonal. Snow is always a welcome distraction from doom-scrolling the news cycle.
  2. Spells of heavy snow blowing in through the day accumulating about 3 inches of fresh stuff. Currently clear and frosty -2.5c
  3. A very Merry Christmas to you all. We have just returned from being with family and it looks like it has snowed a hefty shower or two and then frozen up. -2c. Not quite the end blizzard in The Shining but welcome regardless. Tomorrow looks interesting. Right that’s enough beer, time for a dram, slàinte
  4. Now that’s just silly numbers @Coopsy I would like the cold back but not that cold as I value functioning pipe work etc.. weather watchers are fussy sods Hope you have a crackin’ festive period over here
  5. Hmm, these weather presenters that gleefully celebrate this mild muck at the end of a cold spell, what strange conditions to rejoice in. Aye this dripping, hellish mess which manages to combine waterlogged conditions with areas of break-yer-neck slick compacted ice at a temperature which doesn’t make the house any warmer but is warm enough to melt the snow in to a grubby, visually tragic sh*tescape is really filling me with Yuletide cheer. Go fetch some carol singers and we’ll see if they can stand upright long enough to have a sing song Bring back the cold
  6. An afternoon jaunt along the A862 above Loch Ness, northern edge of the Monadhliath mountains cocooned by a constant haze of very severe drifting. An unbelievable windchill up there as it was bad enough roadside Ridiculous conditions driving over the Suidhe viewpoint. ‘Suidhe’ is Gaelic for sitting, which wouldn’t have been advisable today IMG_0903.MOV
  7. Lordy, leviathan effort to catch up with the thread. Good sign though, great snow updates people Quiet here, some occasional snow showers yesterday/this morning. 0.8c max, first above zero in a good while. Hope the party pooper mild blip doesn’t hang about long, a snowy Scottish Christmas please.. currently-4c and starlit after a very nice day indeed
  8. Another brilliant winter’s day within what feels like a conveyor belt of them. As NL mentioned, what a spell to have had so early on. Overnight top-up wasn’t too drastic but still very much laden around. Few random pics to add to the crackers people are posting on here Adder population unlikely to be an issue currently
  9. About 8cms from tonight’s showers, must be totaling a foot outside now. If overnight showers continue with this intensity the back roads will be interesting to say the least
  10. If there are any snow starved looking at the N/NE posts and swearing, my apologies as here are more bast**ding snow scenes for you in an unnecessarily long fashion A pasting earlier as we headed to a hospital appointment, 15cms fell over a wide area it seems. Around 25cm+ cover in areas now Daviot A9 Inverness Culloden battlefield dog walk On way home. There’s a wee Loch under here -9.2c. Some spell of winter weather this
  11. Temp has risen to -4.5c here but that’s because it’s snowing light to moderately
  12. Stunning @Benvironment great having the Braemar updates on here and also, cheers for enlightening (ahem) with the term ‘alpenglow’. This time of year is very kind for sunrise/sunset jaunts, no need to get up or get home at cr@p o’clock for them Any word on how Christmas Day is looking yet? Weather karma says it’ll prob be tropical, fe:kin’ club 18-30 Santa in Bermudas
  13. Currently-13c. Had a max of -8 accompanied by hours of sun, ooft conditions. Started the day at -14, some pics from first light up the tracks above us
  14. Raw but bonnie this morning. Bit drippy for a spell yesterday afternoon, cold and crisp beats that any day. -5c
  15. Around 10cms of sticky snow overnight/in to morning from showers feeding NNE off the moray firth and flowing over the Great Glen. More on the way today, crackin’
  16. 8-10cms fresh from late last night in to the early hours with continuous showers feeding in from the north this morning and a very raw start. -1c
  17. Couple of inches or so here with a low of -7c and what appears to be an ice day-fest in the forecast ahead. Lovely start to December
  18. -0.5c with steady moderate snow here and a welcome wee covering helpfully illustrated by the pooch
  19. Alright kilties. Spoke to a neighbour about Christmas yesterday and they uttered the words “as long as there isn’t any snow..” I promptly gathered together some other coldie locals and we oxtered said neighbour (heretic) in to a taxi with their belongings, think they’re wandering the streets in Bournemouth just now….. I’m joking, it’s Eastbourne The MT is excited is it?.. by the time it’s taken to you to read that sentence it’s not excited anymore. I treat that place like the newspaper stand at the local shops, largely batsh*t with little very little relevance to what’s happening in Scotland Forecast looks chilly and certainly some snow inbound, it’s volume and timings as indecipherable as ever. I begin to trust the local forecast for precipitation within about 2hrs, any longer and you’re urinating in to the wind. Either way these days it’s novel to see a December acting like December and I have prepared accordingly. Logs, torches charged, candles, inflated expectations, defibrillator ready to use on whichever one of us opens the energy bill. Another hard frost this morning. Hope you’re all well and get some white stuff
  20. Absolutely. They closed the north bound at the moy turn off at Dalmagarry so it came in handy as ever. Some snow showers yesterday evening in to this morning adding some fresh stuff. Think that’s more days with snowfall in the last 10 days than the whole of January
  21. Blustery snow for the last few hours FullSizeRender.mov Friend sent this from A9 Daviot
  22. Snowed in to the afternoon yesterday but only a couple of inches of rather wet stuff to show for it. Looks a more substantial bout overnight tonight. Ideally that will be the last of the white stuff, that recent high pressure spell of dry, sunny and mild would be welcome back for sure.
  23. What an absolute dog’s breakfast the forecast looks. Snowing as I left with a wee covering, as Rav alluded it’s currently no different to a lot of last week. Down in Inverness now and it’s light snow here
  24. Apologies, a lot to catch up on in here. Anyway, “Never cast a cloot ‘til May is oot” and all that
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