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Everything posted by snefnug

  1. Sky Full probs…… Currently my neck of woods has yellow warning thunderstorm, yet netweather radar shows rain right darn sarf across sarf Wales. Currently slightly hazy, a wee bit humid and muggy at @16c but blue sky and that yellow orb in the sky. Right. Off to vote randomly for a police and crime commissioner, the candidates for which all seem a bit?
  2. Today turned out to be lovely. Warm, no harsh wind, no rain and a perfect day to overexert myself in the garden, which I did with gusto. Tomorrow my body will react with dis-gust with me moaning ‘oh’ as under used muscles and sinews creak. Still, emptied out a compost bay, mulched, and hard pruned a privet hedge. All good! Now to my hot bath and Epsom salts.
  3. Interesting to note that just in the short few days without over heavy rain, and a keen wind, my plants in pots waiting to be planted out are dry as a bone soil wise…
  4. Cambrian is that techspeak for ‘more rain dear, get that logburner lit’?
  5. andymusic feels like very early spring, chilly….. least it’s dry, hopefully sun will come and shine on us soon.
  6. andymusic currently warmer for sure, but either continuous mizzle or rain and more cloud , mizzle rain in forecast. Hey ho!
  7. Will this rain never end? Hopes of being in sodden garden dashed yesterday as more sodd’ng rain tipped down. Wettest of wet dog walks too. Bah humbug!
  8. Ooh how jolly…. More rain…. But at least, as I am being reminded constantly on local community fb page, not the snowmaggedon of 11 years ago.
  9. Snow on the hills around. Sleet then rain here. Mostly melting now. Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant Hapus
  10. Sleet when I went to walk a dog in the rain in Chirk. Midway through walk, wet snow Chirk. Back home steady snow settling a bit but looking at meto ap and radar should be lightening up and turning to rain in the next hour. Another dog to walk more locally but my hill bound human clients a no go.
  11. Effinella! Completely confused now re weather. Have Amber warning , but mainly sleety rain on meto app forecast, downgrade from snow earlier. Have rearranged client visits, am I wasting my time?
  12. That’s cos drear is up here, where it’s werry werry drear! on a different note. My netweather used to be dark screen, now it’s Daz white. Anybody remotely more techy than me know how to get back to dark screen?
  13. Wetterfrosch erm no, it wouldn’t. Glad to see the end of winter. Whacked through the heating oil in four months, not so much through the ‘cold spell’ but generally through the ‘non sunny, PV panels don’t work’ spell and the ‘Strewth it’s blinking cold and dark and windy’ stormy spells.
  14. Anyone got suddenly super windy weather? Blowing a whistling wind here in North East Wales/Marches
  15. Plus ca change, plus c’est encore la deluge, never mind apres it. It’s been Brigadoon meets Waterworld here today …….
  16. Oh that is lovely. Completely unaware of this, overshadowed as it is by BURRRRRRRRNNNSSSSSS Night and haggis and stuff. OH out table tennising, me on uni online seminar so by the power invested in me, will move St Dwynwen’s day night Saturday, when we are both in and we will have that evening, I wish you the same felicitations to you and your dearest.
  17. So, damage in the valley, one road blocked because of tree down, main road partially blocked because of land slip. Smaller track roads and hill roads mainly tree and branch debris.
  18. Well I’m glad that’s all calmed down now. Twas a wild and windy night, and a fitful sleep, what with rushing winds and sound of the river in full flow. Managed to get sleep earlier in the morning. Thankfully no power outages in our village but some have lost power further up the valley. Looking at outlook it seems sunny with a fresh breeze today then another light rain day, then mild, dry, cloudy. Which will do for me. Looking forward to not being wetter than a river rat on the dog walks.
  19. Failure of a walk with the dog Penny on the tops. She refused flat out to continue walk.. raining and gusts seemed stronger than Sunday’s at the equivalent time. Guess she knows summat I don’t…..
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