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Everything posted by Poots

  1. Temp is up to 2.3 here at least we got to build a snowman and snow dog but it's starting to slush a bit now.
  2. Decent covering here today, we already have a wee snowman in the street. The sky looks heavy and we've just had another shower. I'll happily settle for this after lots of non-events this winter. Might even be able to get the sledge out for the kids (me) at this rate!
  3. It's on the way, it won't disappoint. I'll give it an extra shove!
  4. Very decent shower going on at the moment just outside Penicuik
  5. Nothing here, few showers that don't lie and overnight didn't produce a thing. T 3c. Loving seeing/hearing of everyone else being lucky though! Enjoy
  6. Quite a heavy snow shower going on now just outside Penicuik. Will make up for my lack of it at home!
  7. Zilch for us over night. It's lethal outside though, the pavements and roads are sheet ice. T is currently 0.5c.
  8. Windy, showers....same old....T 6.8c. T has now dropped to 4.4c in the space of an hour.
  9. Snowing here as well, only sticking on the grass and cars at the moment at this level but another 50ft up the hills are solid white. Interesting week ahead by the looks of it. T currently 2c which has fallen slightly in the last hour.
  10. Nothing in the way of snow here as yet but the wind is still really strong and I'm hearing creaks from the house I've not heard before. Temp is currently 3c. Stay safe, everyone.
  11. It's getting a wee bit breezy here again now with rain in and off. T is currently 6c according to the as but feels much colder.
  12. Very noisy night for us and ended up with an overflowing bed full of kids and animals. Interesting drive in to work this morning, lots of debris on the road and the winds still very high. All the power was out at Leadburn. Sorry to hear of your troubles Milkmaid, glad you are okay. Stay safe everyone again, for the next one coming in.
  13. Just had a brief but quite intense shower with some huge flakes. Now the sun is out. It's fairly breezy already and feeling quite bitter in the face of the wind, weather station is reading 4c but feels much colder. Stay safe through this, everyone.
  14. Holy moly! Whiteout in the space of 10 minutes
  15. Good few beefy showers here today so far with another about to start by the looks of things. It's bitter in the wind, WS reads 2.2c but it feels much less. Nothing lying at this level as yet but about another 100ft up it's sticking, everything is white surrounding me :-)
  16. Heavy snow/sleet here now at the moment. We had a bit of thunder when I went out to get the wee one from nursery and a huge hail shower.
  17. In the space of 5 minutes, it's now really dark, blowing a gale and some decent sleet
  18. 3c here now and not a sign of a flake. Bit of a sleety drizzle at the moment, the light is strange and the wind has dropped quite a bit since the horrendous school run!
  19. 2c here just now. All the surrounding hill are now covered nicely, no low level snow lying as yet but it's bitterly cold in the wind and we've had a few swirls of small flakes. Bit of a challenge keeping upright on the school run, lots of sheet ice. This next few days are looking to be very interesting indeed.
  20. Hello everyone! Hope summer was good for you all. We have flakes here this morning too. An interesting week ahead, it will be great to be back on radar/lamp post watch again!
  21. Heavy snow here (just outside Penicuik) at the moment and has been for the last half hour. I'm shortly heading back to Peebles but am told it's the same there. Yahoo!
  22. At last, snaw! Heavy too, but the ground is very wet so will have to see if it sticks. T 2.4c
  23. At last! Heavy snaw! Pity it's too wet on the ground to stick though.
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