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Everything posted by Erbyskerby

  1. Millets sale: 'Tis the winter for discounted tents...... I'll get me coat...
  2. Thanks for the father/daughter updates! - the more the merrier. Must say I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread at the mo. Really quite windy here now - let's hope it blows something my way...
  3. Haha - it lasted nanoseconds but was sleet nonetheless (I'm easily pleased!) Yes, rare for the harbour to freeze - it wasn't forecast when it did freeze - many holiday homes got caught with burst pipes etc. Really was exceptional and short-lived. That is why you can never be 100% sure of anything when it comes to weather - microclimates in various places can throw up some fascinating anomalies. Just got to hold tight and see what happens I guess.
  4. Raining here (near Padstow, Cornwall) wind has got up and in the last few minutes..... Sleet. Oooh how exciting - might be as close as I get to wintriness - seeing as I'm only a spit and a kick away from the sea.
  5. Well, Snowphie at least you've had a few flakes! Better than nowt I s'pose. Keep up the reports - what with that and the darts I'm having a good night!
  6. No precip at all here at the mo - despite the radar showing rain. Looks to be quite sleety north Cornwall/north Devon. Not sure how reliable the radar returns are? Could still be a bit more for you Snowphie!!!
  7. I know gtltw I was just pulling your leg! Yes, still lots of surface water and my field/garden is still flooded. Looks like more to come on the radar in the next few hours. Pretty miserable really. I love snow but a nice sunny day every once in a while would be just as welcome! If we do get some snow I'll join in the festivities - I don't drink but I have found some leftover champagne truffles - so I'll scoff them in Netweather's honour. D'you know I'm 36 and I've never made one of those snow angel wing jobbies? Must rectify that - one day.......
  8. "Silence the folk in the far southwest" - gtltw?!? You'll never do it I tell ye (Cornish maid) ;-)
  9. Hmmm Cornwall not getting much action. I think the last time I had snow (i live by the sea near Padstow) it came from a dangler (pembrokeshire dangler??). Not sure what sets those up though? Are they rare? So mild here - my marigolds are still in flower from the summer!
  10. I really hope everything recovers for the community farm - such a shame that all their hard work has been affected. Still, I'm always surprised by the resilience of both people and the land. Best of luck to you all.
  11. Had to get a digger in this morning to relieve knee-high water levels at the bottom of our garden/field. Wettest I have ever seen it - and this is sandy soil! Raining again now - hopefully we've done enough. Had over 25mm today at least......
  12. Raining here at the mo - not sure if there is anything mixed in. Too warm in bed to go and check....
  13. Welcome back Mr F! Am worried about Friday's rainfall - unusual for our field to be flooded this early in the winter but it is the worst I've ever seen it and we have sand for soil!
  14. What is most worrying is all the water that has still got to make its way into the river/stream systems. Local news yesterday had a feature about emergency water/sewage release onto beaches to help ease drainage near populated areas. Yuck.
  15. Wind has strengthened markedly in the past hour or so. Very wild out. Weather station says 58 degrees C at the mo - I think it's having a mid-life crisis.
  16. Has rained consantly all day - has now increased in intensity with regular heavy pulses. A filthy night - glad we have sandy soil, so it drains away a bit better. Some people are going to have a terrible time with all this water. Wind is supposed to pick up tonight is that right?
  17. ...and my weather station has decided to pack up.... Typical
  18. Squall line hitting here now - very heavy rain and strong gusts - hope it clears before picking up the kids from school!!
  19. Getting very gusty here on the north coast of Cornwall - I just looked at the radar and saw the same squall line. Looks like a nasty little feature. Not sure how long it will take to move over Cornwall. Anyone hazard a guess?
  20. Lovely little thunder storm at the mo - scooting past us on its way up the Bristol Channel. Quite a bit of thunder and lightning out to sea. Heavy hail at times - hoorah!
  21. Is the big blob off the Scillies likely to go bang or is it just stuff moving up from the Channel that has the required oomph? Not a particularly technical term but hopefully you get what I mean!
  22. Righto - was going out perseid viewing but total cloud cover My best unobstructed view is out to sea so might not be able to catch too much action unless things swing round a bit!
  23. Hey Gotto are your folks anywhere near me? Might have to have a look out the window...
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