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Lincs Observation

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Everything posted by Lincs Observation

  1. BBC countryfiles Darren Bett going for the easterly to set in late Thursday/ Friday, by then we should be getting a good idea from the models how things are shaping up as we move into December. LO
  2. Not at all unplausable, if my memory serves me right here in Lincolnshire we had the start of the cold weather start around this time in 2010, that was the the second white Christmas (the other being 2008 the year I moved to the county) that I had experienced since I was a kid in the 80’s. LO
  3. Hi Matt lets for hypothetical argument say, what would be the defining differences between a NW blocking and a NE blocking? I would assume quite marked consequences for each scenario. LO
  4. This link on twitter shows the storm earlier this evening in Croydon I believe
  5. Update: biblical rain mixed hail and now CG lightening plenty of noise, wind has picked up significantly. LO
  6. Update: very loud thunder now and lightening increasing probably the worse storm we have had move through in recent years. Squall line hitting us now. LO
  7. Nasty squall line moving up from the south into my location, lots of CC lightening could get wild here in the next half hour. LO
  8. Thought I would add an unscientific comment, and say based on natures ability to even the field I would say after a pretty mild and dry winter, spring and summer you would if a betting man say the odds are good for a cold above average precipitation winter to come. Like I say totally unscientific though. LO
  9. Good Morning As you have mentioned in your post a very different start to autumn but would you say more atypical? And if so if you were edging your bets what would be your take on the weather as we move into late autumn early winter? Maybe a cyclonic winter or wild cold one? Be interesting to know your early thoughts. LO
  10. Big rumble just now as a storm approaches, sun is out and very warm locally but the dark towers are coming. LO
  11. Again another impressive picture of what looks like a shelf cloud, that could be the sign of some severe weather close by maybe even a tornado if that starts to rotate. LO Sorry correct shelf cloud
  12. Wow I think that looks like a wall cloud akin to what you see in American on tornado ally impressive LO
  13. Bloody typical I wait for almost two years for a decent storm here in Lincolnshire and in the early hours one comes thundering through. Problem was I slept through it all and a passing comment from my wife to give me said info was the first I knew about the over night light show LO
  14. “On a positive note I feel we are now very close to a strong hit on the Vortex...one similar to 2018.Yes we have had minor ones since then but I feel a larger more sustained one is gerrin closer. Yes I love Summer,but I await with muchanticipation how this Winter will be setting up!” indeed Matt the global climate is not as straight forward as it used to be for sure, however is there such a thing as normal? We have data that takes a minute snap shot of time but in the bigger picture judging on ice core samples and the like, the globe has gone through major metrological and geological change in the past. So do we look and make a judgment on trends on data for the past few hundred years or look at data going back millennia to get a better idea of the evolution of the planet in its life time. LO
  15. Good afternoon all It goes without saying that the rinse and repeat situation we have had for the past few months is starting imo to image in reverse how we started the summer, what I mean is a gradual decline in the lengths of the hots days in favour of more in the way of inclement weather. There is still time to see some more glorious weather in the next few weeks but as we move toward the autumn equinox on the 23rd September it goes without saying things will change as the sun starts it’s journey to the Southern Hemisphere. what will be interesting will be as we evolve into our autumn/winter slumber what the early signals will be, looking back with hindsight to last winter/spring some of the experienced folk did spot early on the trend this year but may have been surprised by what has come to pass even so. my question would be when in the next few weeks would be a time it start to pick up our direction in trends for this winter? LO
  16. Been really poor for a few seasons now for storms, we don’t get them as frequently as we used to, makes you wonder if that is also a symptom of global weather pattern changes.
  17. This pic via bbc weather shows how unstable things were in Cornwall earlier
  18. Completely missed us at the last min, the front was heading towards us bulls eye directly from the south, then just as it approached started moving North East out toward the Wash. so disappointed as we were expecting something a bit substantial. LO
  19. Well we moved into that big blob of ppn near the wash / Boston way and nothing coming out of the sky
  20. Sferics for my area are poor, a cell has got active near the wash kings lynn/ Hunstanton way anyone in that area verify? Lo
  21. Started off sunny and hot this morning but as the front has moved north the cloud cover has grown, still quite warm with decent humidity and a very light breeze. with all this taking into account I can’t see anything major happening here in Lincolnshire apart from a transient ppn that will have passed through by tea time. a bit disappointing really considering the hope for today. LO
  22. All gone quiet here in South Kyme however my gauges read 78% humidity and still 29oC so muggy and grey with a light breeze. main bulk has reached the Humber on the latest radar, some ppn way to my South East LO
  23. That does not look quite right there is a line on the radar not really showing on that map.
  24. I’m right on the western edge of the storms moving to my east from the south east, so I can hear them and see the odd flash so defo moving through the Boston area. humidity is 81% here according to my gauge with current temp of 29oC very oppressive, with that summer smell of damp ground after a downpour . LO
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