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Everything posted by Mapantz

  1. Hit zero at exactly 18:00:00 I might jump on the MTB and go for a ride down to Arne in a bit, see if I can bump in to Chris and Michaela.
  2. This has been the closest to the south coast that the UKV has modelled the precip since it came in to range:
  3. The shed roof is extremely sparkly tonight! A shame that there's still cloud around.. Grass temperature is down to -5.4°C.
  4. The UKV had -1°C by 5pm. Still 3°C here. There's actually quite a lot of cloud. Latest UKV has backed away from proper low minimums.
  5. I took apart the radiation shield plates and the fan to give it all a clean out. Absolutely filthy! I cleaned each component one piece at a time and laid it all out in order to make sure I put it all back correctly. My brain decided to go for a walk somewhere and I completely forgot how to put it back together lol I spent like 20 minutes looking at it and not doing anything. I got it all back together in the end! It's not particularly difficult, but I just drew a blank.
  6. The 15Z UKV has moved the ppn further north on Tuesday night. It still remains mostly in France and in the channel, but it has definitely inched north.
  7. December 11th 2022 20221211_101409.mp4 January 31st 2019 was another one.
  8. There's been snow here several times since then.
  9. If clear skies are possible Monday night in to the early hours of Tuesday, there could be some very low minima for our region.
  10. Temperature ranging from 5.3 to 5.9°C since midnight. A very nondescript day. Just gave the bird feeder a good clean out and bought a 20KG bag of seed to keep it topped up.
  11. Here's a picture I took of a diagnostic screen when I had anemometer issues. Check out the screen burn-in https://ibb.co/z5W7DtV
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