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Everything posted by Mapantz

  1. The temperature is dropping away quickly now - likely to be at freezing by 6pm. I've got my favourite orangey-blue hue on the horizon again. @karlos1983 Pressure is very stable at the moment, 1030 mb/hPa is what I would adjust it to.
  2. 15.8mm of rain yesterday. :O Got down to 1.2°C this morning. Nice and sunny today - didn't get any of the strong winds that were showing by the MetO. Temp: 5.2°C - Hum: 83% - Dew: 2.5°C - Bar: 1030.21hPa - Wind: NE ~ NNE @ 7mph. MetO going for -2°C here, you can usually go another degree or two below their prediction.
  3. I completely forgot about the monthly stats thread - I've been starting them over the last few months, but i've been busy today and it slipped my mind. I'll gather my data later.
  4. A few blobs of wet snow falling here now, not bad when my altitude rivals the Mariana trench.
  5. No sleet here, just more rain.. certainly not what was forecast.
  6. No snowflake icon on the trusty Davis station yet. 10mm of rain though!
  7. Temp: 3.4°C - Hum: 94% - Dew: 2.5°C - Wchill: 0.3°C - Rain: 8.2mm - Bar: 1017.31hPa - Wind: NNE @ 6mph.
  8. Temperatures are on their way down here, now. I'm expect blizzard conditions later - still heavy rain at the moment.
  9. It's absolutely hammering it down here..
  10. Just had a moderate shower here. Temp: 9.6°C - Hum: 92% - Dew: 8.3°C - Rain: 2.2mm - Bar: 1014.36hPa - Wind: W @ WSW @ 4mph.
  11. This is the best I can do i'm afraid.. Happy new year SW & CS folks!
  12. I'm looking forward to some wind chill factor in cahoots with the strong Northeasterly..
  13. Koloboks smilies. I took the quad for a maiden flight! I forgot to activate GPS Altitude mode, so it wanted to fly everywhere, and it crashed. Luckily only the blades got a beasting, you can buy spares for every part. Once I locked in the GPS mode, it took off and hovered in the same position - which I set to around 15 metres. It's very easy in that mode, which is handy for me lol The return to home function is perfect, it remembers the GPS coordinates for take off, so it will come back to the same place, then land safely on it's own - a very cool little quad. I can't wait to take it out in the open, as it has a range beyond 1km. lmao!
  14. My quad copter has arrived! I just need some snow now, so I can get some aerial footage.
  15. Foggy start, but a bit of brightness now - mostly cloudy though. My yearly rainfall is still quite a bit above average for the year due to January being exceptionally wet, March, May, June, September and November all had above average rainfall too. I didn't have this station running until March 1st, so the rainfall data for January and February are from the station before - January: 219.5mm - February: 73mm Temp: 8.1°C - Hum: 99% - Dew: 7.9°C - Bar: 1031.43hPa - Wind: Calm.
  16. I forgot to mention, when that front has finally passed through, there will be a significant windchill associated with these winds - easily minus figures. Brr
  17. I presume you're using Chrome? If so, that's an issue with the browser, not the site. Go to Chrome settings, scroll down to 'show advanced settings' Scroll down to 'System' and uncheck 'Use hardware acceleration when available' - restart Chrome.
  18. ..just in range of the NetWx SR model now, not much to write home about on that, but precip charts aren't wholly accurate anyway - I think the MetO's MOGREPS-UK is what you'd need for a better look at precip.
  19. Another thick frost again, starting to look like a dusting of snow on the lawn. It got down to -1.8°C Temp: 3°C - Hum: 98% - Dew: 2.7°C - Bar: 1037.28hPa - Wind: Calm.
  20. I wouldn't risk using it in our half-baked snow, it would melt it before it made it to the ground.
  21. I was trying to get a pic of the fog with the flashlight on it, doesn't look as good as what the eye can see lol
  22. Hovering around 1°C at the moment, thick frost on everything, including paths/pavements - they're glistening in the light. There's also thick fog, no warnings though? Not sure how widespread it is?
  23. My average has subsided a bit, but still at 7.6°C which is 2.8°C above the regional average.
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