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Everything posted by LincolnSnowstorm

  1. Got a year decade Century for that comment or a chart to show us this CM? ,would that be at a time of ideal norm for climate or are we talking a cold period of climate? Just out of interest I checked the oldest noaa charts available and they only go back to 1998 and seems like we have had a lack of ice for a while now, still good to see any ice regrowth in these warm times.
  2. Hoping that the lull will get a reload before Christmas and that Winter uk 2012 will give winter 2010 a run for its money, we did not know what was to come three weeks later then and the weather can still surprise us now. Snow cover still far more positive and we have had early uk snow and cold which gets a big thumbs up in my book, if this buildup was coming off a series of very mild winters there would be more smiles on faces!
  3. A close up showing more clearly all the most special National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations pixels
  4. the slow snow retreat continues, but still large area of positive in the area in and around Scandinavia ,wonder if can stay positive before the next reload? Japan has snow cover slowly and constantly coming closer to it, perhaps a snowy winter for them. still looking to 2010 as my bechmark for winter buildup and hoping for a reload of snow before it gets in front of 2012
  5. Again I canot find a chart like it but I think the story of the winter will not be four months of above average snow cover but more extreme winter weather warm and cold , like you say lose the snow and cold in a blink of an eye and I say reload boom and its comes back hard at us.
  6. I for one am not used to snow falling in October and I can not find a chart like it for this neck of the woods , very remarkable! perhaps you can post other charts of more remarkable years for your part of the globe as it is natural to lean towards what effects us personally. Moving away from remarkable or not a question Has hurricane sandy any chance of bringing snowy weather for us in the coming days by bringing cold air from Greenland or is the air warmer because of being from an ex hurricane?
  7. I get it!It said as a question not a statement A nail in the coffin for the theory that explosive snow cover often follows major ice loss? we the readers go 'not at all the theory is alive and well Optimus' and then you say 'that's right The snow cover explosion has been remarkable this year (and so has the ice loss)'
  8. my guess is five to six hours time eight and a half hours of daylight left to view it with. Tide going out will help the locals a tiny bit http://www.surf-fore...nt/tides/latestthanks for the live link wales123098 http://www.weather.c...ows/live-stream
  9. try reloading this on your phone every 15 mins http://www.webcams.t...h-(90th)-Hammel or http://www.webcams.travel/webcam/1256909784-Weather-Queens-Midtown-Tunnel-%40-Manhattan-Bound-Tudor-City ...hope 4G phone networks will make a big difference for u at work in the not too distant future.
  10. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Point+Pleasant+Beach,+New+Jersey&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:%7Breferrer:source%3F%7D&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7PRFB_enGB459&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&sa=N&tab=wl
  11. understandable looking at this live video http://www.telegraph...live-video.html wonder how long that link will last!
  12. amazing difference just waiting for southern Norway and Sweden to be sorted now.
  13. yet more snow cover! very different to any other year that's available on the noaa charts
  14. I'm really chuffed with the positive vibe for winter 12/13 taking on 10/11 on here which as you know was not expected not to be challenged for a long time. latest available snow anomaly map is looking ...well pretty positive! Got Goodyear ultra-grip 8 tyres last year , this year want?!
  15. Just comparing 2010 to 2012 In 2010 there seemed to be the perfect set up now leading into winter for the UK getting early snow with incoming snow taking a high and focused move from Siberia then Russia and into Scandinavia etc It looks that already 2012 is a little behind that and the shape is looking like its more flatter rather than pointing at Finland, so will be interesting how that is shaping up over the next week. Iceland has got a good covering of snow compared to yesterday and more due over the next 7 days, http://www.yr.no/pla...eyri/long.html so its looking more 2010 again some very cold temps tonight inc http://weather.glads...y.net/site/BIAR If the snow heads early for New York,Oslo and Reykjavik I'm thinking we would be unlucky to have to wait till after Xmas for a decent UK covering. The US and Canada had a very poor winter for snow last year, well it looks like it has a chance this one! There are lots of ways to have a winter but a weather child of winter 2010 would please a few people i think.
  16. http://weatherspark....hboard;ws=28792 looks good for seeing if its a little chilly to the norm! wonder if the uk will get its first pixel on the N.H snow ice chart soon!
  17. Sweden and Finland drops the snow a little but we know it going to get a massive dump of snow soon and a reload later. Its warm in the Italian alps so the October snow goes off the map. but eastern Sibieria has filled in promisingly. North Canada improves again Northern Ice refreeze is looking very good. My thoughts are not really on the impressive for October cold snap coming up at the weekend and the extra snow for Scandinavia that it brings but looking ahead really to about the second week or later in November were early winter could advance on the UK via snow reloads into western Russia and then Scandinavia, will it be a 2010 to start with and then maybe more up and downs though the next four months of too cold and then warmer than expected and then cold again?!
  18. Ice Growth still good and heres the latest charts latest snow cover Scandinavia goes positive for snow 4days ago similar sort of Scandinavia in 2010
  19. S excellent! Throwing down a challenge to Nov 01 2010 .... Netweather team put a Super Like this item button above the like this item button!!
  20. would be good to have iceland and Norway more filled way snow like 1st November 2010 but I guess we get whats available and each year brings new surprises 1/11/2010
  21. A lot of that ice will be near the 15 percent concentration of ice to water were the measurements begin to be recorded up to one hundred percent and one of the concerns to some people is that will stay too thin but it looking good just making a fight back from the tiny minimum it got to. More detail discussed here http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/74399-arctic-ice-discussion-the-refreeze-2012-2013/page__st__280#entry2384141
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