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Everything posted by fizz511

  1. Lol, I’ve been biting my tongue trying not to say that very thing myself.... ???
  2. I read from an iPad, and just leave the page open, but if I leave and come back the forum offers me an option to go to first unread post? maybe it’s to do with your cookie settings?
  3. It’s gone very light here, but MetO has us back down for 3 more hours of heavy snow later... ?
  4. Hmmm. Think I might be spoiling the birds in my back garden..... ??
  5. If you’ve ever logged in via a PC, you should be able to find your password via your browser settings. It’s under Security on Firefox x
  6. Just got in from a 40 minute trudge through the snow, and it’s just starting to thicken up here too. went to check my meto forecast and their site has crashed ?
  7. Hi Serendipity! I was just thinking I hadn’t seen you post for ages.... Good to see the Stratford Snow Shield finally buckled eh? ??
  8. Hi AJ - nice to see you pop back! Come on in, the snow’s lovely ?
  9. Does anyone know how to clear the reply editor permanently when using an iPad? Every time I go to post, I have to clear a previously quoted post - it’s driving me mad?! Anyhow, here’s my garden so far.....
  10. Morning! Morning! Sorry I’m late, I overslept! *stumbles off to coffee machine* So, hows the Midlands Snow Lovers meeting going? Got about 6 inches here I’d say.
  11. Someone was asking about Bish earlier.... He says to say Hi to everyone, and he will be lurking (his words ?), but not posting as he’s in the middle of a difficult family time at the moment. So, Bish, will be thinking of you tomorrow when the snow starts! ?
  12. I would think that Coventry Council website would be the place to keep an eye on. If the forecast verifies I don’t think your attendees would make it anyhow?! What event are you hosting? (Out of curiosity)
  13. I have heard it mentioned of it being milder again by next weekend, but also of more snow Thursday, so a bit of a mixed week ahead for you I would think x
  14. Ah, thanks Snowy! I’ve saved those for posterity ? And yes, the coincidence of the date did strike me as I wrote it! ?
  15. That’s kind of solved a bit of a mystery for me.... I was a scout leader at the time, and that night I was helping with a night hike in Sutton Park. We drove all the kids there about 6pm, split them up into groups, gave them their maps and route and sent them off into the night with us meeting them at various checkpoints. Of course a little while later it started to snow, which was ok. And then it started to bucket down, which wasn’t! We had been allowed to take a vehicle in, so there was a mad half hour of us driving like nutters around the park (which as you know is pretty big), trying to find and rescue all these kids. Eventually we did, and then we had to take them all home, hammering on all of their parents doors at 2 in the morning (as they weren’t expecting us till about 6am) to drop them off safely before we all went home! The mystery you’ve solved is why it wasn’t forecast, as we certainly wouldn’t have gone ahead with the hike if it had been - could have ended very badly indeed... Can you imagine all those kids on the loose in a blizzard, pre mobile phones?! Just to say there was definitely lightning that night, as before it even started snowing we saw a couple of bolts of it. Defintely an unforgettable night, and then everyone woke to an unforgettable day ?
  16. I often wonder what the models looked like for that night - it was truly amazing! 9-10/12/1990 I think? This was my backgarden in Coventry; the path is about a foot below the dog!
  17. See that little circular gap in the bottom of the snow area? Yes, that’s me.... ?
  18. Yeah, just as it arrived, so did my Chinese, so bl**dy missed my lamppost watching moment. Sunday had better not go South - or North - or I will not be a happy bunny. #solihullsnowshield
  19. Hopefully that blob of snow should reach me - think we’re on the same trajectory..... ?
  20. I could actually see the snow clouds passing to the west of me! Grump. Grump.
  21. Morning everyone! (Feeling like I’m arriving at the office, lol) Woke up to it chucking down wet snow, by the time I was downstairs it had stoped, and by the time I’d caught up on all the posts on here it has started again! think it’s going to be a roller coaster kind of a day! ?
  22. Well, all I can see in the sky is the moon and stars, so it’s off to bed for me and I’ll see what Santa has brought me in the morning
  23. Yes, 2 minutes might have been overstating it, lol. Still, it’s the most snow I’ve seen in ages! ??
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