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Everything posted by fizz511

  1. Not much offering from the MetO or the BBC for me, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these guys have got it right.....
  2. This forum software doesn't like iOS...
  3. Good times are always a week away......
  4. I think they have data that's not available to the general public, but I don't think they're any better at forecasting T12 and ahead than anyone else! But it's nice eye candy for the moment! Edit - Pah! It's downgraded a bit already! Lol
  5. Glad it's not just me then! Thought, as I'm on my iPad, maybe it doesn't like iOS much? Yes, I saw Fergie's post - he's not committing but it does seem a tad hopeful. Would be nice to see a bit of proper snow before the spring! Sigh.
  6. (What is going on with this new forum software ? Won't let me post this post till I'd posted the 'reply' above! Sooo bizarre... ) Anyhow, was just going to comment that I never know whether we're South or North when they only give those two options on the national forecast!
  7. I was just thinking the same thing - it's getting a bit parky out there! Cold's all very well, but it seems a bit pointless without snow....
  8. Well, I've suddenly got snow symbols popped up on my MetO forecast for 2 & 3pm today... No idea where that's supposed to be coming from!
  9. Yorkshire to Northants...? You must be mad. Why anyone would choose to live in the Midlands is beyond me (I was born here, and never put my escape plan into action quick enough!) Well, it's pootling on with a bit more wet slushy snow, but it's not going to do anything more than that for sure. Back to waiting for another day...
  10. I think Leicester's never had so much snow since you left - maybe you were (are?) a walking snow shield...? Lol
  11. I don't know why you miss out on snow so often - you're not far down the road from here really! Wish I could send you some doll! ( Mind you, mine - such as it is - is fizzling out right now! Sigh)
  12. Yeah, by correct to the minute, I meant they said it would be (on my iPhone MetO app) sleety snow from 11pm, and it started at about 5 to 11 - it's no more detailed than that really. im just hoping we get the heavy snow forecast from midnight, although it's still pretty sleety, so not too convinced about that! Are you going to stay up till 2am?
  13. What's your MetO forecast Serendipity? i have to say they've been right nearly to the minute here tonight...
  14. Getting some flakes in the mix now...... *holds breath*
  15. Sitting in the conservatory listening to the rain, think it's just turning to sleet.... could this be the beginning?
  16. Oh wait, there's more! What the f... Is going on?!!
  17. Bizarrely, accuweather, which has shown nothing for me for the last few days has suddenly decided to cough up this forecast..... Bonkers!
  18. *runs off to look up what a shortwave is* Well, obviously I meant APART from Dec 1990 the Midlands always does best out of a battleground scenario... Lol
  19. Well, I'm a teensy bit optimistic for some decent fall tonight. I think the Midlands always does better with 'battleground' events than it does with the Cheshire gap streamer. Does anyone know which of those two scenarios it was when we had the massive snowfall here in December 1990? *prepares to eat her words*
  20. Well the MetO is still giving me snow for most of Sunday, so I'm off to bed before it changes its mind I think....
  21. Well, I'm no expert on models, so I just googled Arpege and this came up - it has its title in the top of the picture, don't know if it's the new 'hi res' one everyone's talking about....?
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