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Everything posted by leicsnow

  1. CET currently at 0.1C above average. Would expect it to continue to drop maybe to below average by Monday, but the mild spell 21st-23rd looks like it's going to tug at it, especially since the nights aren't expected to be very cold. If we don't get more cold air flooding back after the mild spell the CET is most likely gonna come out above average.
  2. A programme I watched the other month mentioned that the 'official' criteria for a white Christmas in the UK was at least a single snowflake falling in at least one of select places across the UK, e.g. football stadiums, Buckingham Palace. My idea of a White Christmas would be similar to TWS's idea above.
  3. Outbreaks of sleet here all morning here with the temperature hovering between 2 and 3C.
  4. I don't understand, you will pay for the lack of snow - what do you mean by that.
  5. I think with NAO so positive we can expect an average winter temperature wise, with both some milder periods and some colder periods, but no prolonged cold as milder air will be flooding back after the cold has hit. This would mean minimal snow cover for many areas (including mine) and could mean areas like Plymouth seeing a winter with no lying snow whatsoever. As mentioned above, lack of cold zonality wouldn't help either. I think if NAO turned negative, everything I just said would be completely different.
  6. Grrrrrr it hasn't snowed when everyone forecast it overnight! Only rain!!!!!!!!
  7. Argh been anticipating the first proper snowfall for me all day and it is currently 4C when the forecast was 1C
  8. I was but I'm starting to lose hope as its 4C now and the forecast was 1C
  9. I think tonight/tomorrow could see some relatively good snow for some quite far south (which is why I say relative). I think it will be a rather cold weekend too. Still, it can not be called a 'BIG FREEZE', unless of course in the very unlikely scenario that the forecasters have SERIOUSLY underestimated things. From Monday, however, it seems that it will gradually get milder with a peak of mild conditions on the 21st/22nd (ironically the winter solstice). Despite this, I don't think it will get too mild, and after the 22nd it looks to be falling back to average conditions over Christmas, and possible colder after that and into January.
  10. Does anyone else agree that if it hasn't snowed before Christmas, most people say "It's hardly snowed/it's not going to snow" this winter? And I don't mean people with an interest in weather like on here I mean people in general.
  11. Looks like I may be seeing some snow Tomorrow night/Friday morning!
  12. @AWT Yeah, I was just rather excited when the latest 6-hour update for my location by TWO forecasted the heavy snow. It's now changed to some light snow/insignificant whatever. Anyway, thanks for the info, but would you mind posting a link to the forecast by RJS? As I'm relatively new here and aren't familiar thanks.
  13. TWO forecast me HEAVY SNOW thursday night/friday morning. Hope this means Mark Vogan is looking to be right!
  14. To be honest, I'm getting rather fed up of James Madden publishing an update almost every week simply repeating what he's said before and quoting himself, and each time with a classic headline.
  15. First hard frost of this winter for me. Temp at 0C, 86% humidity, and winds 11mph SW.
  16. I honestly don't think December 2010 was particularly snowy, just exceptionally cold. I think January 2010 was much snowier (but not as cold).
  17. Hmm, I keep going back and forth in faith that it won't be a mild winter for me or anything but right now I'm on low confidence lol. Sometimes I'm confident and I'm like yay I will get snow but sometimes....Uggh. (Sorry if I'm going off the forecast topic)
  18. Do you guys think there could be any significant accumilation for my location i.e. waking up one morning and looking out the window to snow all around? I sure hope so.
  19. A Winter's Tale, remember I sort of fall inbetween the north and south as I'm in the Midlands...what would you say the score is for there?
  20. Oh and why are north easterlies more common in late Winter and Spring rather than in early Winter? From my experience that is when they tend to happen.
  21. Mark Vogan has been stressing about how there was little to no warning of cold and snow around 17th-20th December 2009. I've been wondering, what were the models showing at around the 7th in 2009? Did it point to mild,like it is pointing to this year, or cold and snow like what happened, in the run up to xmas? Then we can establish whether it is likely that this year really will follow a similar trend, like Mark has said.
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