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Everything posted by East_England_Stormchaser91

  1. Cracking day once again!! Many joining in on the fun which is good to see poor old cat is still in hibernation mode an hour after the cracker we had here!
  2. Mad ain't it. Didn't hear it myself despite getting smashed by pea to marble sized hail shortly after posting that!! There was definitely reports of it on here on the 28/06/2012 supercell day just a constant low rumble across Leicestershire and the West Midlands!
  3. storm just literally developed out of nowhere and now giving marble sized hail and an incredible rate of thunder!!
  4. In some cases, updrafts cause hail and ice in the cloud to basically smash against each other causing a constant roar that could be perceived as thunder! Heres an example
  5. Found this earlier, I can only assume that this man witnessed what must've been the mesocyclone of the supercell go right over him!
  6. Never said it was! But I have noticed the IMBYism and overestimation in quite a few posts that you share on here, and then have the tendency to rule things out or underestimate other places at risk when Devon for example isn't featured in the risk zone. Just a bit of friendly criticism!
  7. No, but I think over the years, somewhere like Lincolnshire has had more storms in a one year period than Devon probably has had in 5, maybe more. You are never going to get the ingredients for supercell storms or thrilling surface based activity being surrounded by waters at 15 degrees. Just a simple fact!
  8. The southwest compared to the east William is merely a slash in the wind bud. If you had a choice to live in an area purely on the decision of convective activity, would you really choose Cornwall or Devon over the likes of Kent or Lincolnshire?
  9. Sun out intermittently, and yep, through the clouds, I can see something of a tower going up towards the direction of Cambridge! Could be the start of something
  10. Lightening up a bit here now. Luton airport up to 21c. Is the sun out further down south?
  11. Wow, quite a startling forecast for myself! Supercells eh! Bring them on
  12. Agreed. That site shows the evidence of it too with the track of them! Crazy how many there actually was back in the 90's. 1997 and 1999 going by records were the most active. But even still, they were more or less an annual occurrence back then. P.S very severe cell reignited in Lille area. Candidate for a supercell for sure and will likely hit Brussels within the next hour.
  13. A good night for many, but there's no doubt about it that Holland has hit the jackpot with this. They're on course for their 3rd or 4th MCS in a row
  14. Bet it's a constant rumble? Stay safe my dear! Looks potentially dangerous this one. Utter bonkers!!
  15. Good grief. Never have I seen the channel so active in all my life!! Brighton and eastwards, you are in for an awakening of rare proportion!! Storm heading for you is kicking out hundreds per minute!
  16. Schveningen cam could be a good one very soon!! Now that is an MCS over there.
  17. Look at the amount over the SE quadrant! Now I see why I was awoken so many times! Look at that one that exited NE Scotland lol, what a system that must've been! Great find buddy, bookmarked this one straight away.
  18. Wow. Brittany now seeing big developments. Cambridgeshire could well join in on the fun too if it keeps to its current more NNE track :O gonna be a long night for sure! Best bit about summer is happening right now. I love it.
  19. Starting to become an impressive event now. Basically a conveyor belt from northern Portugal to the S North Sea. Winds at 500hpa are set to have a more southerly component to them too very slightly as we go on through the night, so favouring us even more. Happy days!
  20. I said that earlier, and even though Belgium and northern France have witnessed a supercell. I'll hold my hands up to this one! Good to see that people are getting something decent. Perhaps the devil days of that awful 5-6 year period are over?!
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