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snowy weather

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Posts posted by snowy weather

  1. i posted this yesterday but everyone was so busy with the great model runs we were getting but if there is anyone who understands marginal snow events on here could they maybe let me know if my thoughts are correct or am i barking up the wrong tree was just wondering as been noticing lately the way snowfall keeps getting upgraded or under forecast

    That's what I was thinking. In my opinion throughout the last couple of days where I live temperatures have always been lowered in the .run up to a certain day and the snow today which in the south east I only learnt about at late last night so I think the chances are very high in my options opinion. Would lover to hear expert analysis on this

  2. Is it just me being biased ort is the GFS being very consistent, the last few runs even away out at 150+ hrs and even further out have been remarkably similar... snow is on the way folks for some of us and for the rest much colder weather.

    I understand what your saying. On the two weather charts it has been showing snow for a quite a while now. These charts are unreliable but still

  3. Hey all

    The mood on this thread seems down. Remember it is only October and ANYTHING can happen no matter what the signs or the charts say. I'm not a weather expert but that's my take on it. If the charts were that accurate then we would be very good at predicting weather but that is not the case. The weather in uk is very unpredictable.

    Had my first frost today. It was nice waking up to white, makes a change from Last year which was very bad for frosts.

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