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Blog Comments posted by Shiny_Bottom_1

  1. Good luck Chris :) will be interested to find how you go on this new drug, I have heard good things about it.

    Thanks Lou.

    I think i'm getting that placebo effect at the moment :doh: I'm feeling better, but the tablets wont be properly in my system yet <_<

    Just about to finish cleaning the house. Only got the hovering left, and then it will all be ready for our next visitor ;)

  2. Keep it up Chris. Im a non smoker, and as some know, smoking is my biggest pet hate! However, I can also imagine how difficult it is to give up the habit, but as long as you have will power, your'll succeed. You have to want to give up in the first place...... so get munching those celery and carrot sticks, and good luck with both no smoking and WW :):good:

    Thanks SR :)

    Didnt have one yesterday, so quite chuffed considering the major cravings. Feels a bit better today, so here hoping its only going to get easier :drinks:

    Somehow, even though i'm on WW, I managed to stay within my points, even though I munched throughout the day. Although that is probably due to me eating things like sprouts, then a bowl of olives :bad:

    Still, its a new day. Shame its wet and windy.

  3. I see my big boots are required after all.


    Please m'lady. Its still not going good.

    Maybe it will have to be a new years resolution :unknw:

    Went through most of yesterday without one, but ended up having one on the way home.

    I'm really going to have to get my act in gear, especially as having one last night meant that MrsL wanted one too :(

    I dont know. I suppose i'm looking at it like this. How many non-smokers, over Christmas and New Years have a cigar to celebrate? Well, I dont like cigars, and I fancy celebrating too. So instead, i'm going to have a ciggie or two. When the celebrations are over, so will the smoking :D Well, lets hope...

  4. Well, its certainly not going to plan <_<

    Today is the third day of smoking again. I really dont want this, but in a way, I feel quite happy to.

    I really need to get my weeble in gear again, as at the moment, MrsL doesnt know i've been having a crafty smoke.

    I'm not smoking anywhere near to how many I used to, but thats not the point, because (1) I'm smoking again, and (2) 1 ciggie is worse than none.

    Will have to plan, and very soon, when I stop again. I've stopped the patches, as its not the best idea to have them and smoke too :rolleyes:

    Ah well...will have to try in the next couple of days.

  5. Thanks Lou :hi:

    Well, had cravings today, but havent had a ciggie. Its easier when i'm around people, but as soon as i'm on my own (like tomorrow), it gets hard. Well, its easier than the first couple of days, but I still think 'I'm on my own. No-one will know. T'will be fine'. So easy to pop to the shops, get 10, smoke a few, and throw the rest away.

    Ah well. I've just got to really push it. And to be fair, if i'm doing what i'm doing now, its better than doing nowt. One day, I will suddenly realise, I dont have cravings anymore.

    If anybody is reading this that has tried patches before, then please let me know how you got on with them. Would be much appreciated :D

    Well, I have more going on than just smoking (or giving up). Been wrapping MrsL's presents today. Took me about an hour and a half. Not because there were loads, but because i'm a bloke :lol:

    MrsL wrapped my presents in the space of 20 mintues :o

    All we need to do now, is go down to Kels dads on Saturday, drop their presents off (pick ours up :yahoo: ), and then its chill out time. No driving from the 24th to the 29th. Cant wait.

  6. Thought i'd just update this for today, although really, I wish I didnt.

    Today, i've smoked 8 ciggies :( Not good.

    I think i'm being a bit weak willed tbh.

    Tomorrow and Sunday is with Kel all day, so I wont be having any whilst she is around.

    Fingers crossed that the two days off them will help again. Its a bad habit, i've done before. I thought this morning "Well if I could smoke on Wednesday and stop again on Thursday, then i'll be ok doing it again".

    A bad trap i've got to stop.

    Will somebody please kick my weeble :cray:

  7. You have inspired me hun, I would try and give up but I have my parents and their two dogs down for a couple of weeks over Xmas and I would be a fool to try, but I have made up my mind to cut down, and only had 8 yesterday compared to 20 :)

    Well done you :clap:

    I can really sympathise with you about the timing. MrsL could give up, just like that. I really had to make sure that I had no stressful situations, or situations which may trigger me to smoke, within at least a week.

    I was advised to cut down (when I tried about 4-6 months ago) by my doc, rather than cold turkey (for other reasons mind :doh: ). Its better than not doing so :)

  8. Thank Everyone :)

    Katie - Havent thought about hypno before. I've heard that it can work, but you need to believe in the hypno for it to do so.

    I think for me, i'd struggle, as i'm not a big believer in those sort of things (although it would work perfect for Kel).

    I think if I failed this time though, big style (and without any serious triggers making me start again, then I would consider it. Never say never :)

  9. Cheers Andy.

    Probably didnt drink enough water first thing, and also didnt have any in my motor :doh: Probably a good reason why I felt so pooey.

    Thanks Bry. Will certainly keep going. I was feeling quite good until this morning, and actually (although feel less tired) feel worse now, more than I have since giving up.

    I dont think i'll tell MrsL though...she'll just be disappointed. Once I know I am doing well, i'll let her know then.

  10. Thanks SS :)

    Only about an hour or so before MrsL gets home. Have eaten loads tonight (a bit of a worry), but feeling like I couldnt eat anymore.

    Cravings have eased a little this evening, but still have some, at least.

    Up at 5am tomorrow morning, for a day in the office. Another 'test', as I have certain habits of driving down to my office (certain places where I have a ciggie). I dont usually smoke that much at the office, so that part shouldnt be too bad.

    I really hope these cravings start easing though. It been a little tense this evening, and I could really do with starting to feel some kind of benefit soon...something to boost the reason for doing this :(

  11. Thanks Lou :)

    Still havent had one, but I really have struggled with work today. Things to organise, and people too call...I just find it all hard.

    But I will get there.

    MrsL is working late tonight, so I would be at home all alone until 10 tonight. But instead, i'm going to go shopping, take my mind of things, and get stuck in a traffic jam.

    Hey ho though...it'll be better than watching rubbish on TV and thinking "Surely smoking does less harm than watching Eastender" :lol:

  12. Thanks AH :)

    Actually, really struggling at the mo. My concentration level is low, and feel rather aggitated :(

    I have been in two shops this morning, both which sell ciggies, and have resisted buying them. Could really do with one, just to get my concentration back...but I just know that if I do, it will be an excuse I use all the time.

  13. I know Matt :rolleyes:

    This is so much harder than I thought. I've given up twice before. Once a couple of years back, and was doing well (cant remember what made me go back to smoking), and once when I was at Uni. I gave up during my summer break (as I was doing sensory development work for pot noodle - you really need those senses :unsure: ). I was well chuffed, and even got into swimming (5 days of 1 mile swims - felt so good :( ). Unfortunately, the student ways took over after about three months, and the swimming became more difficult. Oh, how I wish I could do that again.

  14. Sorry to hear about that too Katie. We've only ever bought one house, and were lucky it was a new build (so a bit hard to fall apart).

    Agree with SM...There should be penalties for doing what they've done.

    Our best friends are in the same boat too. Which has also had consequences on our new years party, as we were going to go to a hotel where they were going to move to, but arent any more.

    Good luck with the house hunting :)

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