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Everything posted by throwoff

  1. It's almost gone from gillingham. Looking at radar I wonder if that chunk out on the Atlantic will make it in and across tonight.
  3. Unbelievable. I say there is a spot of rain and everyone goes mental about it. I'm reporting what I see nothing more. And with that I'm going to bed. Honestly NW sometimes you make it difficult.
  4. Hah I'm getting accused of being a troll now?! I just went for a smoke and it was RAIN. not much and not heavy but a few spots of liquid water.
  5. I'm on the Glenlivet left over from Christmas. Going down a right treat!
  6. The 00z doesn't show much around today. Tomorrow we are looking like getting pasted from France then just as that moves off another band comes in from the west
  7. And I'm done. Very strange day. Got to east grinstead at 8.40 and enjoyed snow till 11.30 when the office closed. Had a good 5cm by that point in some places. Drive back to Gillingham to be shocked at the Lack of any real snow. Waited all day. Watched the radar and I am convinced someone has put a HUGE brolly up over Medway. Sunday is promising but so many let downs this winter mean I won't believe it till I'm out playing in it!
  8. It's hillarious how Medway keeps being missed. Has someone put up a giant umbrella?
  9. I can't believe it. All day it stopped too far west to hit medway. The snow comes over from France and it is too East!
  10. I thin that band will sweep all of Kent from south to north maybe with power to cross to southend
  11. I'm feeling confident Kent could get a reward here. Strong band to the south sweeps in overnight then a streamer tomorrow. We could end up in pigs paradise.
  12. Come on. Give me 2cm in gillingham. We are surrounded on radar!
  13. So come on someone with knowledge. What's this idea about snow hitting Kent tonight? Nothing on radar!
  14. I'm going to go out on a limb and call Medway as done. We ramped. The charts supported but it is a non event. I was 50 miles away in east grinstead this morning and had 2 inches in 90 mins so work sent us home the line was razor thin. Sunday will flop too I reckon.
  15. Im under this band in East Grinstead, it is not heavy (probably a 7 on the MURR) but it unrelenting, building depth quickly.
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