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Everything posted by Lynxus

  1. Well guys.. Based on latest ECM, I would suggest you all ( in the SW ) get some snow shovels for the easter weekend lol. I however, will just get my BBQ going. I dont think the snow will ever reach here again.. Its either too far north or too far south.. Middle earth it seems in Glos. Obviously, It could all change by next weekend, however this cold doesnt look like its going anywhere anytime soon so you guys may get a nice amount of snow next week.. Fingers crossed aye!
  2. Hey all, Had some very heavy snowfall here. On top of dry stuff I have about 2cm's... On the grass. It has only just started to settle so its a slushy 50/50 affair. The snowfall has pretty much stopped here now. Annoyingly, Its gone north and doesnt look like it will pivot and move south again. On the hills here it looks white, So probably a good few inches there. Anyway, Glad we got some, Shame its stopped.
  3. Apparently EvapCooling isnt going to come into affect. ( Ian F , said something is too low for it or something yesterday. ) Either way.. Rain/Drizzle in glos.
  4. Just driven back from work. There were some Icey dots appearing on the windscreen but nothing major. Currently 2.0c Raining.
  5. Am i right in thinking that the stuff heading north now (and yesterday ) is due to stall and then slip south eastwards again?
  6. I honestly don't think it would be much different if it were December.
  7. In all honesty, The only way for us to get good decent fun weather is for Mullender to go on holiday or something. This normally ensures snow/storms
  8. Lucky beggards There was mention of 75cm + in north wales! Cant wait to go and play in the puddles here lol
  9. Heavy snow here. HAhahaha, only kidding. Got my brollie and wellies ready for the rain and floods. El Glostererero
  10. Lynxus

    Jersey Blizzard 2

    nice! at least you guys cant moan about never getting snow
  11. Lots of snow flurries about today. Very nice. ( none settling obviously ) Could be interesting in a few days though.
  12. Sooo. Its gone from Mild easter to: Now for the coldest Easter ever! Arctic weather could stay till Bank Holiday (and there's more snow coming too) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2285141/Now-coldest-Easter-Britains-Arctic-weather-stay-till-Bank-Holiday-theres-snow-coming-too.html
  13. Just rain here. Had some light snow this morning, but its warmed up too much for anything. Fingers crossed from something in a week or so. Other than that.. Bring on the storm season.
  14. Had a few flakes floating about here... Currently 3c.. Not expecting much.
  15. Who are these "Forecasters" giving this detail to news papers? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276845/UK-weather-Dont-hold-breath-spring-Forecasters-say-cold-weather-MONTH-Britain-wakes-5-inch-blanket-snow.html#axzz2KOWHM1we Really? I mean, cmon. What a load of COW$%#! .. Sorry i mean, Horse$%#!
  16. You do realize that now the words "Glos" and "Wilts" have been said it means that it will be a rain event or at most 1cm of slush? heres hoping I do look the suggestions of a late winter with end of feb / march looking good. I did say a month ago that Mid feb would be a great time for us! Still stand by it. .. Remember.. My bones feel it!
  17. Im sure as soon as that main front gets on, the cool air will vanish quickly. VERY heavy snow here now..
  18. Light snow here currently. Noticed the Meto have dragged the snow zone over me.. I doubt it willlast long though.,
  19. Ha Yes, The old methods are always the best. I can also predict thunderstorms with my head - I tend to get a really bad headache normally 30 mins before it arrives. Very odd but works
  20. Im telling you all now, I can feel it in mah bones. Mid Feb is going to be Epic! EPIC I TELL YE!
  21. I wish people would stop fixating on what the metoffice say in their LRF's. One second they say cold, the next they say mild all for the same timeframe. Its pointless taking it as gospel.. The models are your best way of seeing what will happen and at the moment, they point to milder weather for most of us. Yes there are chances of further cold "If" certain things fall in place, however none of these are given as yet. We first need to get out of what we have now before we can see if we get more.
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