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Everything posted by Lynxus

  1. Gained about 1cm in 2 hours. Snow changes from light to heavy, small to big flakes. Roads are white, grass is white again. Looks like its easing on the radar, however NAE predicts it lasts all night, so who knows it if will build again..
  2. Gained about 1cm in 2 hours. Snow changes from light to heavy, small to big flakes. Roads are white, grass is white again. Looks like its easing on the radar, however NAE predicts it lasts all night, so who knows it if will build again..
  3. Well, Has a nice 1/2 cm covering here. Lovely big flakes. Looks like the best if over for here soon. So TY for teh snow
  4. Hmm, Its breaking up! Could this be the change that makes me miss out? ( Most likely )
  5. I have a feeling Glos/Chelt could be in for a worryingly large dump here if that Radar is to be believed. The amount of extra PPN still growing behind is astonishing! ( Now ive said it, We wil get nothing )
  6. I know. Some of the areas of PPn looks unreal! Lets hope it works its way up here!
  7. Im confident in the NAE . Considering its only 2 hours away on the models ( and close on the radar ) its looking good so far.
  8. Still showing lots of Freezing Rain in Truro... Considering someone has mentioned that its just raining... Shame the radar cant "tell" in realtime. I guess it just uses the models to "guess" the PPN type like it does for Snow.
  9. Apparently, Theres some freezing rain... Can anyone confirm.. If So PICTURES!!!
  10. LOL. I have a feeling that we need this mess we have currently to just do one. Wait a few days and then have a decent reload. This "easterly" hasn't exactly been "cold" We either need to good northerly or a strong easterly . none of this half heartedness. I for one welcome our new cold reload overlords.
  11. I should not of gone up the hill sledging today. I now have an even stronger will for more snow as I remember how addictive it is! So much fun. Shame any possible snowfall us during the week Cant go out and play during a work day lol.
  12. As ever, The ExtraRadar is only a few quid a month ( Or pay month by month no recurring subscription ) and really worth while in weather like this. Brings so much extra info to yours screen. 21:30
  13. Possible next Friday / Sat could be another big event. Just need to keep hold of the cold a bit more than the GFS says. Considering the GFS states its still chilly. Then I would suspect its colder than that.
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