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Everything posted by alexisj9

  1. Yep, went for a walk in this one, lovely dry fine snow, settling everywhere, and not blowing away, in the wind. It's perfect.
  2. Looks like one final heavy burst here, then the rest stay in the north sea, has the wind gone NNE?
  3. Temps must be dropping now, it's gone back to, fine flakes here. So looks good from now for settling I expect. Where it's falling moderately, and less melt, fingers crossed for those with heavy snow.
  4. Doesn't rule out a surprise from France though, seen that a few times. Although not expecting anything at present. I will be analysing sat and radar tomorrow to see if anything pops up.
  5. There is here, although we are also getting some heavier stuff now and then. So far just enough to make icy areas, white again, and top up snow that's left. But not settling on melted surfaces. Need it heavier, and a bit darker for that I think. The sun worked it's magic this morning.
  6. Have snow as far south as Dover now, only light here, but better flakes then the small stuff we've been having, and also as the icy road melted a bit earlier, more people have driven off. Oops, as I can see this will get heavier in a few hours, and even this light stuff is showing signs of settling.
  7. I'm hoping my ice helps it stick, looks like the lighter stuff is finally going to get here soon, been just missing me either to the south or north for ages now lol.
  8. Yep I have drip drip today, oh well lol, at least I might be able to walk.
  9. Don't know about further north obviously but dovers wind is at ene again for now.
  10. It is, I watch it throw something up, and it's what caused the snow that's further south. Though it might intensify the streamer which it also seems to have done.
  11. I guess the feature I pointed out is doing what I expected nice. Let's see what happens now.
  12. At least I think it'll keep moving north, but the ppn is moving with the wind.
  13. By feature I mean this line of cloud on here, the one heading north just off the coast, not the rain band in France. Infrared satellite images of Europe, Clouds in Europe at night and in the evening. Weather Europe, Satellite Weather Europe, Rain in Europe - SAT24.com EN.SAT24.COM Infrared satellite images of Europe, Clouds in Europe at night and in the evening. Weather Europe, Satellite Weather Europe, Rain in Europe - SAT24.com
  14. I think it's a wind farm. From debates that have popped in here, during this spell.
  15. I think the feature that will either intensify or kill the streamer, and I think it will intensify it, it approaching the south coast now. It'll be that converging with what we have, setting thing off.
  16. No idea, but it was a pain in the bum, as well as the little warm sector that came in, in front of the Darcy band. May be it's related to that, rose above the band?
  17. We'll see any where with snow cover would be favourite for that, and away from coasts.
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