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cornish snow

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Everything posted by cornish snow

  1. LOL,Bit extreme perhaps? Know what your saying,but it's not that bad,is it? Springtime in Cornwall(may-July) usually lovely weather. Goes t--s up when you lot come down for your hols!
  2. Disagree. Warmer temp's in winter dosen't always equal more food. That butterfly i saw last week was reacting to unusally high temperatures,but i doubt it found much food. Haven't seen much Buddleia in flower,lately.
  3. The issue with mild weather at this time of year, is that it lures wildlife into action when it should still be dormant. Just this last week,i've seen several ladybirds a small tort butterfly and 2 or 3 bumble bees,a cold spell now would leave these vulnerable.
  4. Hang on,i'm still waiting for knocker's "cold plunge" posts when a cold spell arrives(and i'm not referring to that feeble attempt,last week) He'll deliver,i'm sure of it. Heard that tesco in cambourne had sold out of blue crayons. He's getting ready
  5. Does look that way. Can only hope we're close enough to high pressure, to the south,to keep the worst of the wet stuff away. How anyone can actually look foreward to weather like this is beyond me. Obviously dont have to go out in it. It's just depressing stuff,end of.
  6. Took this pic 3 years ago today. Last time it went white here. You can see St keverne in the background. Wonder how much longer i have to wait to see this again?
  7. Putting my fishermans hat on,we haven't had a really good easterly blow for what seems like ages. Talking about it the other night,consensus amoungst the troops(fishermen) is that one's due.
  8. Dont know about cold,positively Mild now(8.3C) an hour ago. V still and cloudy. Just come back from the boat,sea like a sheet of glass,gig rower's out practicing,first shoal of lance in the bay,almost spring like. Not long now for here. Edit, spoke to soon,chucking it down now.
  9. Amazing how quickly this cold spell has given way. Couple of night's ago,saturday night was supposed to be the coldest night with severe frosts,even here (-2,-3) was quoted. At 2200,the temp at culdrose air base was 6.6c. Quite a difference. Dont think iv'e ever seen quite such a turnaround. Feeling mild outside now,the cold spell lasted about 1 day here,awesome
  10. I know your pain but seen this soooooooo many times,water off a ducks back now. Do what i do,forget about net weather for a bit,dont turn the telly on and get outside and enjoy living where we do because,come on,you wouldn't want to live anywhere else,would you? Let them have their bit of snow.
  11. Saw that to. From an IMBY point of view,further west the better,want the front to just scrape the lizard
  12. Yeah,day off today. Spent this afternoon in the garden and out of the wind,that sun was very nice,dare i say,springlike.
  13. Knocker's had his red crayons out again. Dont think sidney enjoyed it.
  14. One thing's for sure,the night's are coming out. Still got some daylight at 5.05pm.
  15. I live a field away from the wreck site of the "Bay of Panama" which founded in a snow storm on 9th March 1891.In what's become known as the great cornish blizzard. The cold was so great that sailors actually froze to death,stuck to the rigging. It's what i judge my winter's by,if it did that in March 1891,it can do it again. My winter ends on 10th march. Think Knocker was a school kid back then,saw some stuff that put him off cold and snow for life.
  16. Looking good. Just need a further correction west and thing's could get exiting for us in the south west
  17. Actually,we get snow here quite often,alot more often than most people would assume. Like everywhere else,2010 was very icy here, january 2013 we had a day of lying snow and even last winter we had snow settle for a few hours. 28th feb 2004 was v snowy,remember it well,it was my stag night. Think it was january 2010 we were effectively cut off here for 3 days 14th feb 1994 was snowy as was 8th feb 1991 And of course,the big daddy of them all, Jan 87. Need i go on.
  18. Can we even call it a cold spell? Surely,this is just normal,mid-winter weather. Normal temps(6-8 for me all week) then almost certainly going milder again,next week. Even Fergie last night on the telly,saying similar,"nothing exceptional,no deep freeze" his words,not mine. Just shows how desperate this winter is for this "cold snap" to be talked up so much. Show me frozen puddles,rock hard ground,nannies breaking the ice of the birds water,kids breaking the ice on the fish pond,people wearing scarves,i could go on and on,and that's for down here!!! Cold spell,dont think so
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