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Blog Entries posted by WBSH

  1. WBSH
    Was walking home in the cold winds and mixed sky… and on my way I could make out big black clouds on the horizon. As I got home at around 6pm I looked out of my window due North West and I noticed these amazing black beauties were heading my way. You could distinguish the precipitation falling from them in the distance as big black lines and everything! I waited intensely as these clouds smothered the suddenly wintry sky above me, the air was sharp and cold… with potential of snow. The grey steel sky remained above… but nothing was falling I waited and I waited, made myself dinner. Looked out of the window again, still very dark. I went into the conservatory. At least by now there was a bit of precipitation. Pittar patter against the roof… and that was about as good as it got, before those dark threatening clouds moved south… leaving me wondering why such heavy steel coloured clouds could only produce a minutes worth of sleety drizzle!
  2. WBSH
    The daffodil and snowdrop bulbs are poking through the ground! That does happen in December but still this is quite early and their quite obvious… especially the daffodil bulbs which I planted back in the autumn… and they ARE daffodil bulbs. Some people at college didn’t believe me when I said that daffodil bulbs can start “coming out” in December. Okay I should have said “poking through the ground” but I put their lack of beliefs down to the fact that they have been working in offices all their lives and have never been up close and personal with nature like me, because if they had, they will know that although daffodils don’t flower this early, they do start to come out of the ground, especially if it’s been warm the last few winters.
    The problem is that people associate daffodils with March and April when they show their beautiful yellow golden flowers off to the world! But the real gritty work starts winter when those green spikes start appearing on that chilly, darkened earth. Although the ground is obviously not chilly right now! I even have weeds growing back...
  3. WBSH
    At last the frost came! (Down to 0.1c 32f last night) So what a bummer then that it was Saturday and I only saw it after looking through my steamy window with my half open misty eyes before going back to sleep! This was around 7am. It was a shame the frost didn’t come on a weekday as I would have been able to walk and take pictures before getting the bus! Still a lovely day followed and I managed to pot up three baby Algarve americana that were joined on the big one, which is getting so huge now! I want to cover it up now that it is getting colder but it’s too big for any fleece plus I’m not sure it gets affected by the cold that much anymore!
  4. WBSH
    The clocks go back this Sunday. Yet again we will get the doom mongers going on about how bad this is and how the world will end if this keeps happening etc but the clocks go back for a reason, and I know this more than ever now.
    For instance, when I was walking through my local park to get the bus last week (16-20th) between 7-7:30am, the sun hadn’t risen and it was still mostly dark and possibly dangerous when I had to cross the roads. The week after the clocks go back (30th Oct-3rd Nov) I will walk the same route at the same time, but the sun will have just risen then and because of this it will be technically day meaning it will be light, the risk of me getting involved in an accident at a very busy time in the morning decreases.
    People say “oh but it will just get darker again anyway”, in a way they are right BUT just because its still getting darker in the morning after the clocks go back doesn’t mean that the level of morning darkness will “catch up again” with the level of morning darkness in an unchanged clock or all year round BST. If you don’t understand then maybe this will be clearer, the latest the sun rises in my location is 08:05. If the clock didn’t go back, the sun wouldn’t rise till 09:05, and people would no doubt moan about this as well! And it would be extremely dangerous during the morning it if wasn’t totally light by 9am in the morning.
    The problem is when people think of the clocks going back; they just look out of the window and think of the darker evenings. Maybe these sorts of people don’t get up in the morning early enough to realize what a difference it makes in the morning, or study astronomy enough to realize that the sun rising an hour later in mid-winter is potentially more harmful that the sun setting an hour earlier. You don't lose an hour of lightness when the clocks go back, the days don't become shorter because of it, you just get potentially lighter mornings.
    No doubt I will get the guns pointed at me for saying this, but I know the facts ...
  5. WBSH
    Do you remember that quote I made just under two months ago on exactly Wednesday the 30th of August 2006?, that in my opinion conjured up the magic of autumn very well …
    “I don’t think we can properly class it as autumn, until, we experience those first clear chilly evenings where the sun is merely a faint red glow on your face when once it was a great tower above you, and you can smell the burning and the first real possibility of a frost”
    Today I felt this, although I’m very doubtful my area will get a frost tonight, it was a fantastic afternoon nonetheless. It was sunny, but not horrible and muggy, just a nice crisp feel to the air. The sun is now obviously much lower in the sky and sure enough by 5pm the sun was that mere faint red glow on our faces!
    Although I didn’t smell any burning I saw smoke come out of chimney’s on my journey home from college through the Kent countryside. The smoke filtering its way up into that light crystal blue ceiling that was very soon to darken.
    How wonderful that I decided to keep working and not get the bus till 17:21, it actually came three minutes early to my shock! I was so busy taking pictures I could have missed it!
    Alas the warm, wet muggy weather will return tomorrow and possibly the next few days, but that won’t take away what a glorious autumn day it was today.
    Some pictures in my gallery that I took today conjures up how I felt very well in pictures http://www.netweather.tv/forum/index.php?a...um&album=61
  6. WBSH
    Sedum telephium ‘Roseum’,
    Kniphofia “bees flame”,
    Aster x frikartii “monch”,
    Stipa gigantea,
    Cyclamen hederifolim,
    Echinops bannaticus “Taplow blue”,
    Fuchsia magellanica ‘alba’,
    Hebe ‘Nicola’s blush’,
    Fuchsia thalia,
    Vinca difformis,
    Abelia grandiflora ‘Francis Mason’
    Check these babies out! and they are just some of the plants I have to learn!
  7. WBSH
    It’s yet again another warm day out there! And still all people do is complain that it is cold! C’mon guys we have just had a record breaking warm September and October is looking like going the same way as well, you have not rights to complain that is it cold! After a few chilly mornings it did seem that autumn may be creeping in but alas today and the next few days will tell otherwise. At least there aren’t those stupid rumours of a severely cold winter coming like last autumn. I remember a few weather sites were saying that it “may be slightly chillier than the last few winters” … and of course by the time the media got hold of it, it came out as “coldest winter in a century coming up for definite!” of course people didn’t question what the media were saying and believed every word that came out. I had people at college saying “it’s going to be the coldest winter ever; I read it in the Daily Mail today!!” the very fact that they just took every word the bleedin’ daily mail said just strengthened my point further. You can’t forecast the weather correctly beyond 24 hours and that’s a cold fact, excuse my pun. In the end it was a fairly normal winter with a few mild spells and a few cold spells, but even then I had mother asking me “was this the severe winter they were talking about” when we went through these run of the mill every winter cold spells!
  8. WBSH
    If someone worried about why they couldn’t get the desired destination, and thought of themselves of going nowhere yet were actually half-way, then should they focus on why they had only got half-way or why they can get half-way but not that other half way? And be confident that if they can do one half, then surely the other half is not as far away as they think?
  9. WBSH
    Well I said it was bone dry yesterday and a bit breezy, today was the complete opposite. No wind, but extremely wet. 15mm of rain, all from what is now just a bog standard depression, but was once a tropical hurricane! At least it has cooled a bit. Well I say cool, its more average but nowhere near as muggy as yesterday. I say there is no wind but there is a blowing severe gale high in the atmosphere because the few clouds that are left are skidding really fast in the sky. I like those days where it’s wet and grey for two thirds of the day but then by evening the low sun shines on the wet ground and what was once a grey sheet is now just a few white bobbles floating past. The sun is poking through the clouds now and again and will set in just over half an hour, just before 7pm. The day lasted 12 hours and 13 minutes today; I remember when it was over 16 hours! The constant cycle of change always fascinates me!
  10. WBSH
    arrrrgh, it’s happened again! I occasionally, maybe once every other week wake up to a bloody sore throat; these feelings are especially prevalent around the sides! I think it’s because I sleep with my mouth open. But I can’t be totally sure of that because I’m asleep so I don’t know if my mouth is open … but however that does seem the most likely cause.
  11. WBSH
    I watched the moon rise this evening (on the 7th … it’s only six minutes into the 8th!) I wouldn’t usually but there was a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse is where the earth, moon and the sun are all in line, and the earth “shadows” the moon by blocking out the sun, as it would when they are all in line. Okay not the best explanation but it’s late! I spent 50 minutes looking outside and sure enough the moon popped up over the houses on the eastern horizon! It looked like a monster had eaten the top of the moon off until about 8:30pm when the moon appeared to be back to it's "normal" self!! I took some pictures but they were so bad I will save my dignity by not showing them! I’m so used to tracking the times of sunrise/sunset and watching them, it never really appeared that I should do the same with the moon! Something to keep a closer eye on I think in future! :lol:
  12. WBSH
    Mother has gone to hospital and is waiting for a brain scan. This was the news I received when returning home from a walk. I knew she was going to hospital to have a look at her head but I didn’t expect this. I don’t know much about brain scans so I’m not sure how worried I should be. I guess If I don’t know much I should not assume anything … yet… :lol:
  13. WBSH
    It’s 20:30pm and there is only faint twilight in between the clouds. The sun went down nearly three quarters of an hour ago. It will be (meteorically) autumn in two days, which I think is great! Although I don’t think we can properly class it as autumn, until, we experience those first clear chilly evenings where the sun is merely a faint red glow on your face when once it was a great tower above you, and you can smell the burning and the first real possibility of a frost. I remember last autumn, well more (very) late autumn I was with my college group and we were doing hardwood cuttings on trees. The ground was carpeted in leaves and although it was afternoon the sun was setting behind the trees and was gone by the time the lesson had finished. It’s one of the great advantages of working outdoors.
  14. WBSH
    I’m probably not helping myself that I am using a computer right now but I want to write! My head feels a little “achy”, which is not really a surprise considering how much I have been using my laptop over the past month or two. I’ve decided to do a bit of research on sexual reproduction of plants! It appears the male gamete (in the sex cell) is pollen and the female gamete is the egg cell. The joining of these (fertilisation) makes a Zygote… but I don’t know what a Zygote is! And then this zygote grows into an embryo. A result of sexual reproduction is that the ovary turns into a fruit and an ovule turns into a seed. Fascinating stuff, I need to now go and find out what a Zygote is … I’m going to be lazy here and copy n’ paste from Wikipedia. It’s a stub anyway so it’s not that much ...
    “A zygote is a cell that is the result of fertilization. That is, two haploid cells—usually (but not always) an ovum from a female and a sperm cell from a male—merge into a single diploid cell called the zygote (or zygocyte)”
  15. WBSH
    It’s raining! With sunny spells in between. I’m hoping we can have a day or two of full non-stop rain or at least fairly consistent, then maybe the grass will start to come back green again! Because most of the grass has been scorched! And the few patches that are remaining are brown. I need to go to Tesco’s now to get some milk and a few other things. I made some coffee but the only problem was there was no milk, and I don’t drink black coffee. It’s 15c (59f) out there which is cool for a day in August so I think I will fetch a jumper.
  16. WBSH
    I've been to many great walks around the Kent countryside over the last week or two, especially yesterday. You can look at the pictures I took with my new digital camera in my album along with many others
  17. WBSH
    For the first time in my life I have successfully inserted new batteries into a camera… and without it going wrong… revolutionary!
    Although I may argue that I was silly to drain the batteries so quickly in the first place by constantly leaving the camera on!
    But still being able to make an electronic instrument function again is quite an achievement when usually all I do is dysfunction these things! B)
    I'm a genius!
  18. WBSH
    Because I wake up so late and my body clock is so messed up I’m usually at my most “wakeful” at around mid-night, like now for instance… well it’s 01:36am but you know what I mean. I could actually do some gardening now but its dark and I can’t find the watering can! It did rain but not a lot, its now clear and slightly cooler than previously but its still a warm place at the moment. I would like to go to bed now but I can’t! I wish I could. My father is coming tomorrow to take me round to his place, not sure what time though. It may mean I will have to set my alarm because I could easily sleep past mid-day!
  19. WBSH
    If there is a god he is banging me against a brick wall, to make me tougher? Maybe, but it’s killing me right this minute. I don’t really believe in god… but however I’m not saying such a “thing” doesn’t exist. I say this because I, as a person have only lived in a western culture for eighteen years and seven months. I’ve not lived in a world where science doesn’t prevail and people’s lives are based around a belief, I’ve not heard their side of the story. I believe pretty firmly in evolution and science but maybe that’s partly because I’ve yet to visit a poor village in a third world country where people have yet to “discover” such things. If there isn’t a god, which there may well not be, then maybe there’s a “spiritual being” amongst all. With some people they find it easier to find that others. But then maybe I’m speaking a load of ball! I’m not a pagan, but my religion is nature, it’s where things grow, die change with the seasons, I like that.
  20. WBSH
    It’s another hot weekend. Very sunny but too hot, although that being said I seem to be coping a little better with the heat, maybe its because its now later into summer and I’ve adapted to it. Just like you become a little more adapted to hay fever. I close my curtains during the day to stop the sun coming in and I open them at night to let some air thought, although it could be said that leaving them open during the day stops any flow of air… it would only be hot air so it’s best to let the air flow at night when its still warm, but not hot. People complain that it always rains during the weekend. The only reason it seems like that is because people only remember the weekend when it’s rainy… when its sunny people don’t bother to remember it so much. Like the past few weekends have been stifling. Selective memory eh! The same goes for Wimbledon, it’s only rained one day since it started (Monday) but people wont associated the competition with the weather because it’s been “good” or dry shall I say. If it rained every day then people will again associate it with the weather.
    I might go into college tomorrow to collect the last two assignments from my tutor… and upgrade them if necessary. I will try and get the college ball tickets as well that day, fingers crossed by “ball date” will let me stay round hers that night because if I can’t then I can’t really go. Although it might be best not to go because it is inviting trouble, but I hope it can go along smoothly without being bothered by a few drunken so and so’s!
  21. WBSH
    It is a common "moan" or complaint from a human being that they are constantly tired. But I get close to falling asleep on the bus on the morning and I get close to falling asleep on the bus in the evening. After I get home off the bus and get home I go to bed and fall asleep. Thank god the world cup is on otherwise I would spend all evening asleep! I’m usually quite a tired person but the last few weeks have been something else! I take it being down to being the end of the college year… or at least I hope it is… I’ve never had the ability to fall asleep at any god given time until now! I had 10 hours sleep last night but still had the “ability” to fit in another two hours in the afternoon! Sleeping during the day is certainly not a positive thing as it disrupts my “conventional daily routine” and makes me extremely cross and depressed when I wake up, which explains why I’m so snappy now. Also it’s another warm Saturday which doesn’t help. I still found some time to do some gardening. My Salix trees leaves which I had been pruning went brown and shrivelled up… possibly because of the lack of rain. So about 10 or 11 days ago I pruned it back right intensely until there were only a few green buds here and there, but now the buds are coming out again and it’s green and healthy… quite quick as well, because of the high temperatures one assumes.
  22. WBSH
    My mother was in London yesterday to see my sister. So I couldn’t be picked up from town. That meant I would have to get another bus. I got to the bus stop at 16:55 and waited till 17:26 when the number ‘8’ bus came. The number ‘8’ bus was the bus I got last time from town. So when it stopped just outside the bus stop I tapped on the door signalling I wanted to get on. But the bus driver nodded his head shrugged his shoulders and drove off. How strange. I waited till 17:52 when the next number ‘8’ bus arrived. But this time it just went straight past me! I rang my brother on my mobile to tell him what had happened then walked home. I got home at 18:31 and was a bit annoyed. Does anyone actually trust these buses?
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