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Everything posted by simshady

  1. Duh? why have desalination plants when it rains so much...lol...no need for it when we get soooo much lovely rain.., oh and the cold too, that's nice, cold and rain is even better, can't wait..
  2. To be honest I love the cold weather and I don't mind the rain either...we should be thankful that we live in such a climate with lots of rain...we'd be in trouble without it....it is our lifeblood after all.
  3. Lovely, lovely cool weather....whether it be rain or clear...nice and fresh
  4. It's going to be very interesting watching this develop. Thanks!
  5. Model thread is a HP lover's dream at the moment and I've been told to post in other places if I feel like a rant, so......boring weather, just glad in the knowledge that it will change into something more...interesting. I'm thinking the end of the month may bring a lot cooler weather than this dross that we've had to endure recently. Hopefully that will give us a good start into a nice cold, snowy winter
  6. I think we should let winter start before we start writing it off. Let's not be all doom and gloom and just hope that it won't be mild and wet. We'll certainly get some cold somewhere along the line.
  7. To be honest it's hardly summery really, just normal September/October weather. Grey days followed by some warmer days interspersed by spits and spots of rain.....last year was virtually the same in my neck of the woods if a little wetter. Describing it as summery can be a little confusing to new people who are getting to grips with the charts. Might be warmer and more summery the further south you go but here 'oop north it's not necessarily so.
  8. Anyone would think we were in for a heatwave! lol.
  9. Not put it on yet...have no plans to while the weather is as warm as it is. Still have windows open at night and it is very warm 16 degrees outside at the moment, 21 degrees inside which to me is uncomfortably warm.
  10. I couldn't care less about heating bills....some things are worth more than money. Big snow, extreme cold,fantastic memories of an epic winter. I'd have it all and sod the heating!
  11. Lol....don't worry, I have lots of 'get out of the bloody frame!' pics like that.
  12. Barely a flake blew here I'm afraid, but yes I'm hoping for a good one this year.
  13. Just once in my lifetime I would like to experience an epic winter. Snowier, colder and lengthier than 2010. Don't get me wrong, 2010 was great, I loved it, but I want a real barnstormer, a real show stopper of a winter. Just once.
  14. Fresher today...light cool breeze, 16.7 degrees. Sunny and bright...quite nice. 1013.6hPa.
  15. well if it's all anything like today here..i'll be BBQ' ing in the drizzle under a leaden coloured sky with a fleece on.
  16. http://longyearbyen.livecam360.com/flash/main.php looks like Svalbard has had a bit of the white stuff!
  17. They're slowly starting to turn here, but still plenty of green left on them.
  18. Nah...can't beat the depths of winter.......and it'll soon be here!..this is boring weather!
  19. Warm, sunny, virtually no wind....don't like it at all. Hopefully things will change soon.
  20. Drab and dull...nice cool breeze. 17.3 degrees. Light rain this morning.
  21. Still no heating been put on..not sure if it still works even lol.
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