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Everything posted by simshady

  1. Warm here this morning 21 degrees. Had an unexpected heavy shower at around 3.30pm and it's cleared the air. 17 degrees now...much nicer.
  2. Sorry. Not a word more be said I shall exit.....>>>Thataway........
  3. I used to love working outside when it was cold and wet....lovely early mornings in the frost and mist....wiping your brow when the drizzle slowly drips down your face.....horses for courses I suppose.
  4. The fact that we're on that journey towards Autumn and Winter is enough for me.....
  5. Yep..it's only going to get better from here on in!
  6. Yes, wholly looking forward to Autumn this year with the changing colours of the flora and my apple tree bearing fruit.
  7. Yeah it's possible, but I personally wouldn't over analyse too much
  8. I don't think there's a general wholesale reason for not liking the warmth and the sun. We are not odd or wrong or weird, we just don't like it, for a number of different reasons. I have 2 Autistic sons, one with Aspergers, and they have complete indifference to the weather. I also have Asthma and hay fever and in warm weather the symptoms are ten times worse but I wouldn't want anyone else not to enjoy the fine weather, it's just a cross that I have to bear. Some people like it, some people don't. Personally I hate it and can't wait till it cools down, it's just my opinion.
  9. Dull with drizzle and around 14 degrees. Cloud keeping temps down, just how I like it. Hopefully it will stay like this for the day.
  10. Warm at the moment. 17.4. Lingered around 20 degrees for most of the day.
  11. I would like to think that people discussing weather models use all information that is open to them when making forecasts!! Ignoring models or not looking at them that often will not give an unbiased view!!
  12. With respect, all models need to be looked at and are useful.
  13. Nice and cool this morning with a slight frost in sheltered areas. 7.4 to begin with and slowly creeping up to 13.1. 1009.3Mb rising.
  14. Overcast. Nice and cool at 12.8. 999.5 mb. 74% humidity. Ground just starting to spot with rain.
  15. Love Winter. Love Autumn. Spring can be decent if it's cool and I hate Summer because of it's potential to be hot. If we were guaranteed a cool Summer then It wouldn't be so bad.
  16. Absolutely fine.....but personally, I like the rain.
  17. The last few days have felt like Autumn, if not Winter. The year is going so quickly and we haven't had much in the way of warm/hot weather which is fine by me. May we have many more cool, rainy days!
  18. It's been a lovely day here. Cool with a little rain. None of that sweaty nonsense! Hopefully it'll be just as nice tomorrow.
  19. I can think of many things that are a nuisance that warm, sunny weather brings. Screaming children, shouting mums, bbq's and drunkeness, loud music that people seem to think everyone else in the street want to hear, sweaty, tattooed torso's everywhere you look. Wasps, flies, the horrid smell of sunblock, heatstroke, sunburn, etc,etc...... As for the heating bills then maybe people should budget a little better. Shove a jumper on, you'll be fine. I'd pay twice the amount of my fuel bill if we had some nice cold weather and a decent Winter and be happy to do so.
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