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Everything posted by bobbarley

  1. Going by some of the forecasts it wasn't lie until after 11pm
  2. Sperrin wins, first snow report, enjoy
  3. I’m hoping to, it’s giving me just rain
  4. Haven’t seen the dreaded words yet “away from the north coast” sometimes in these setups, rain sleet on north coast and only 2-3 miles inland they get a proper dumping of snow!
  5. Amber Warning was justified but closing schools, universities etc is just ridiculous. Everyone panicked today and I'd say a lot of businesses lost money. Will the same happen tomorrow because schools r still closed! Not even the worst storm in NI for last 3-4 years
  6. Definitely didn't warrant a red warning, it's not much worse than storms we get every year IMO
  7. Surely these westward shifts are fairly positive for Florida, storm surge on the west coast won't be as bad due to offshore winds in the dangerous northeast eyewall
  8. Surprisingly ground is now white after a heavy snow shower, ended off with light rain though! Evaporative cooling I suppose
  9. 18z is looking good though, 10th seems to be the point it reaches us
  10. Very quiet in here considering how well the models r lining up. I suppose we're more worried it'll all go pearshaped again. Or even worse..... Britain goes into the freezer and we're too far west
  11. Phantom easterly on the ECM again tonight, at least it's woken up the MOD thread
  12. Very quiet in all the threads today, either no snow in the near future or wife's/husbands or partners have banned everyone from sending so much time on this site!
  13. Who runs ni weather facebook, is it amateurs or a more professional outfit?
  14. Ok I get the hint, too many posts!
  15. Wind has really picked up, temps are rising and thaw is on, hope that's not my last snow this winter. Best I've had in a coupl of years
  16. Mountain I've been keeping an eye on it for a while, it seems to be heading south rather than south east
  17. Ronan that lay here as well so hopefully be good when it reaches you. 6cm snow depth here btw
  18. Heavy precipitation has arrived, more hail than snow but still lying and might intensify further inland
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