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Kent Blizzard

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Everything posted by Kent Blizzard

  1. It was always going to be late afternoon for most of the SE anyway when the -10 850's take control...there is still a glimmer of hope
  2. Keep an eye on the Dutch Radar, I find it better in these situations http://www.buienradar.nl/
  3. Thanks I agree it will certainly be a nowcast situation and because this thread includes East Anglia reports from there may give the wrong idea for those Further South & East
  4. Night Daniel, see you in the morning bright and yawning ready for a long day of weather fun & games
  5. Now 1.3*c here and DP 1*c You just know it'll be during the rush hour home from work when snow starts falling
  6. Just a few of the current Dew Point Observations, how correct the readings are who knows but you get a rough idea..
  7. I like using the wundermap for dew point observations.. http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/?lat=52.72999954&lon=-0.64999998&zoom=8&pin=Cottesmore%2c%20&rad=1&rad.type=00Q&wxsn=0&svr=0&cams=0&sat=0&riv=0&mm=0&hur=0
  8. Daniel* the GFS DPs seem more favourable, I guess it will depends on how far Inland the juice travels.
  9. Give it till 6pm tomorrow and that opinion may change When some are reporting snow and some rain this place with be like a kids playground ..welcome Paul
  10. Sorry I should of said Chatham Ski Centre on met office...no pun intended with it being a ski centre and all that, it's dry slope lol BTW Chatham Ski Centre now says light snow 16:00 to 18:00
  11. So the juice is coming but to what flavour is anyones guess? Now for the dreaded Dew Points Wind direction 850hpa
  12. I've not seen Steve Murr or anyone else offer up a snow map..... so I have stepped in, hope nobody minds....
  13. Kent Gritters have done all Primary Routes and will be out again at 3am...I've seen the local ones out alot over the last few weeks, not too sure why tbh lol
  14. convergence line , now that can create hours of fun for some .. Convergence line A slow-moving trough, which is parallel to the isobars and tends to be persistent over many hours or days. They are quite common in cold northerly outbreaks down the Irish Sea, affecting west Wales, Devon and Cornwall in particular, but can be found in other areas also. This convergence line can give hours of persistent precipitation over very localised areas, whilst a few miles down the road it is relatively dry, leading to some heavy snowfall/rainfall. In summer the convergence lines are not as easy to forecast, but then can still occur due to sea-breeze convergence, and are over the land, whilst in winter they are over the sea http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/guide/weather/symbols
  15. It's like someone has thrown a stick to a dog and it's landed over your neck of the woods
  16. That's a good sign because I was worried about the DPs....a few porn stars I know say the same
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