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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Perhaps clear your browser cache, definitely no issues on this side. Could also be your dns needs clearing as well - info on how to do that here: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/ClearingBrowserCache
  2. Jo's latest blog is all about the snow risk over the next 7 days: It's definitely feeling colder, so any snow hopes, anything for end of January? View the full blog here
  3. And once more - these threads (manmade climate change, scepticism of climate change) are for straight forward discussion of those subjects - if you want to disagree then post in the opposing thread. I know it's not a particularly natural way to debate, but it's in order to stop the point scoring etc which blights the mixed discussions. That leads to the next point - if your sole interest is point scoring and getting snippy with people because they don't share your view then you may as well not use any of the threads on here, as they're for actual discussion and that requires at least a semi-open mind, some empathy towards other people's positions, and the ability to respect other views even if they're the polar opposite to your own.
  4. Here's the latest from Michael Fish - loads of weather to be keeping an eye on.. http://vimeo.com/84807303 Also, if you've not read it yet - Jo's update from this morning: Rain, Sleet and Strengthening Winds
  5. Just to clarify - this thread is for model discussion - and that can cover all weather types, and from short to longer range so long as the discussion is model related. Yes, severe weather general threads are available when 'events' are likely or ongoing, and of course there are general weather chat threads too, but either way anything model related is fine in this thread.
  6. Just as a reminder - model discussion requires at least some (in fact the majority) of your post to actually have something to do with the models. Please bear that in mind when posting, and if your post doesn't have this just post it elsewhere - there are many threads to get involved in
  7. I know it's Monday morning, but is there really any need for sniping at eachother - if you're in a bad mood please just keep it to yourself!
  8. 4wd, this thread is in the extreme weather part of the forum, it's only you trying to twist it into something else - we all know by now what your views are on climate change, there really is no need to use every opportunity you can find to share them.
  9. Just as a reminder, attacking other members is very much against the guidelines and spirit of the community so unless people are keen on not posting in here please stay clear of that type of thing - if you believe a post is an issue please just report it. Also, this being the model discussion thread, please can we stick to the model output - there are threads for met office discussion, tv forecasts and the like, and whilst passing mention in a post that is mainly about the models is ok, posts which have little to no model discussion in them and are solely about something else don't fit in here and need posting elsewhere. Thanks.
  10. Last I checked this was the winter discussion thread, not the 'have a go at other members for having a different view to me thread', so I've deleted all that stuff and would definitely suggest staying on topic from here on in.
  11. Hunting for signs of winter? Jo's written a blog that's definitely worth a read: Hide and Seek Winter...
  12. But anyway, absolutely no need to get into a flame war. We got plenty of stick for those summer forecasts, took it on the chin, admitted they didn't go to plan and learnt from it - end of story. Weather forecasters all get forecasts wrong, it's part of the job and the key is to learn from them and move forwards..
  13. Agree to an extent, but when you say that the meto never went for it, they never went for it publicly because it was low confidence, we know though that they discussed it, saw the possibility and new it was a potential risk for a time, which essentially is what happened in here. Ok it won't have been discussed in the same way obviously, but this being an open discussion forum you'd never expect it to be. I think there's a fine line between getting carried away with something showing in the models and running with it before it's even close to nailed down, and discussing it with a bit of enthusiasm - yep of course some people jump on bandwagons at times, some people see a cold run at t+240 and start polishing the sledge only to see it disappear next run. And some of those people will then go on to blame bad models, dodgy forecasts and so on when that happens, rather than facing up to reality that is forecasting weather is hard, forecasting models are all going to lead us up the garden path from time to time, so being pragmatic about them and using as much info as possible is the way forward. But hopefully for every person who falls foul of that trap, there are 10 who learn about it! I guess all I'm trying to say is that discussion is good, different ideas and styles are good even when some of those ideas and styles are wide of the mark we can still all learn from it, and enjoy the discussion at the same time.
  14. Just moved a whole bunch of posts into the model chat thread as they're a better fit for that one. Please can we try to keep this thread model focused with discussion on the current output, for more loosely model related stuff or reactions to the models the chat and banter thread is the place to post http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/78680-model-banter-moans-and-ramps-winter-201314/
  15. So go on then, feel free to discuss it - Reef has even changed the title to be inclusive of all longer/shorter days chat. Best will in the world, I didn't even know this thread existed, but anyway make it into a conspiracy theory if you like - truth be known I still don't see that there is much to say about the days starting to get a little longer in January (or shorter in July for that matter) - for me it's the equivalent of starting a thread at 6pm saying it's getting darker and a new one at 6am saying it's getting lighter again, but each to their own
  16. Not entirely sure this is anything that needs discussing, or is weather related! The days getting longer tends to happen every year you know Will lock this as I'm struggling to see what there is to talk about.
  17. Latest week ahead forecast from Jo: http://vimeo.com/84047983 http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=news;storyid=5623;sess=
  18. After a mild week in the Alps, it's going to cool down into the upcoming week with snow on the cards as well. View the full blog entry here
  19. Just put a ski / snowboard blog online - cooler with some snow for the Alps this week and some big dumps in the USA of late. http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=news;storyid=5621;sess=
  20. After a mild week in the Alps, it's going to cool down into the upcoming week with snow on the cards as well. View the full blog here
  21. This should be fixed now Would definitely recommend upgrading to a more modern browser though - IE8 is very old!
  22. New thread now up and running, so locking this one http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/79043-model-output-discussion-10th-jan-onwards/
  23. Please carry on with the model discussion here. If your post is more of an emotional reaction to the models (like - "This run is bad" , "This run is a shocker" , "That's it, the cold isn't coming", "This run is amazing!!!!!") please post it into the model banter, moans and ramps thread so we can keep this thread more discussion based. http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/78680-model-banter-moans-and-ramps-winter-201314/ Major Forecasting Models GFSECMWFECMWF EPSGEFS EnsemblesUK MetFaxGEMCompare The Big 4
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