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Everything posted by Gaz1985

  1. It's almost an extended Summer, it's like revenge for the extended Winter we endured! Hopefully the very mild weather will last. Looking quite dry here too
  2. True and that Bartlett got going even earlier into January than those charts I posted, as you might know it ended up as one of the mildest Winters ever for the UK
  3. Overall it's not a bad run of temps tonight especially for England & Wales Tomorrow... Wednesday.... Thursday it cools off a bit but becomes warm again below on Friday but again only for England & Wales and parts of N Ireland
  4. Not sure how common this is at this time of year but the 7 day forecast for Ojmjakon drops to a max of -5c on Monday with a minimum of -15c http://www.wunderground.com/weather-forecast/RU/Ojmjakon.html
  5. What fantastic Bartlett pressure this was pushing down on us all, how magnificent this would be if we got it this Winter
  6. Even up to Wednesday If the sun breaks through it would still feel pleasant across England and Wales
  7. I wouldn't get too excited over a bit of cold over Scandinavia and NE Europe at this time of year. I think some people are getting carried away.
  8. High pressure in control into Monday With good temperatures Tuesday still looking warm for most away from the far north
  9. They should stop messing with the time altogether, if people are stupid enough to have an accident in the dark then that's their own problem. Personal responsibility - something that's lacking these days.
  10. You can imagine my shock when waking up to that, I couldn't distinguish the road from the pavement or people's gardens on the road as so much snow had fallen and it snowed more or less all day giving a foot or more of level snow. Truly awful IMO
  11. Similar to me really in that I like an indoor temperature of around 21c for the living room etc, I reckon that's perfect for sitting in a tshirt etc, but for sleeping lower probably about 18c (this Summer sometimes it was 27c in the bedroom when waking up hence the sweating and only a few hours sleep a night) I don't see the point in air conditioning especially as we only get a hot Summer every 7 years or so, last year don't think it got above 20c in the bedroom all Summer! My new girlfriend doesn't live with me at the moment she has her own place otherwise the heating at mine would be on ALL day let me tell you. She is freezing cold all the time I'm like her personal heater. At the moment it's 16c in the bedroom but I'm gritting my teeth and clenching my fists until Christmas and then maybe just maybe I will take the plunge and switch the heating on, if not I may put a coat and gloves and 5 jumpers on by then...
  12. Looking good for high pressure this Sunday Warming up too.. Pressure still high on Monday... Still decent temperatures, I won't grumble at those for late September
  13. Yeah that's the thing - people upstairs benefit from heat rising in Winter, and yes it was hot in this flat during the Summer, I don't think I got a proper night sleep in a month during the hot weather in July, my bedroom faces east so it heated up rapidly during the early morning and the bedroom stayed very warm all day even after the sun moved and then it shined on the back of the flat during the afternoon so it made all the flat very warm. I woke up every morning sweating like a nutjob (No air con, must of been even worse on the top floor with the roof!) but I enjoyed the sun nontheless, it was a good Summer this year.
  14. Exactly that was really my only point and never actually said November is snowier than February or March, I know they are on average snowier, all it was that the sun catches more snow cover in February and March that would otherwise be completely in the shade in November through to late January hence a greater chance of less overall snow melt especially in a north facing location. Some people (not really you) seem to be suggesting things I haven't typed lol
  15. Indeed I think for the coldies the absolute best time for snow to last on the ground for the longest (with the right synoptics of course) is from mid November until the start of February after that as you say it is more likely to melt quicker in the sun as we progress through Feb.
  16. Here comes the high pressure filled weekend High pressure still close by into the new week, could be a lot worse!
  17. I know but this isn't Lapland so in extreme low temps of course snow will last - but I'm talking about the UK and here temperature's arn't the only factor in snow lasting or perhaps you didn't know?, dew point, cloud cover and solar heating are some of the others. If you have the same dew point and temp in December and Feb and a sunny day then snow will melt quicker and more of it in the February day due to the sun angle melting snow that was in the shade in December. Plus in February we are tilted a bit closer to the sun hence more solar heating and the higher sun angle.
  18. Doesn't matter, if the dew point is high enough and because the sun is stronger in February then the snow will melt on average quicker.
  19. Still not had the heating on since about April, my relatives have but I'm a tougher nut to crack haha, plus I don't want my nosey upstairs neighbours to benefit from any heat coming from my flat
  20. Hope fully the energy companies won't be getting much from me this Winter. Was hoping to turn the heating off proper in March but that dreadful severe cold spell put a stop to that.
  21. It was actually -0.7C and not 0.7C, it was almost -1.0C......December 2010 was still a subzero Winter month. http://www.personal.dundee.ac.uk/~taharley/2010_weather.htm "The first time the month's average CET (Central England Temperature) was beneath zero since 1986."
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