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William Grimsley

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Everything posted by William Grimsley

  1. Two sleet showers so far today here. Temperature: 4.2°C Dew Point: 2.7°C Rainfall Today: 2.0 mm.
  2. Yes, I heard the thunder! It was a nice suprise!
  3. Just a normal windy day here. High Wind Gust: 48 mph at 11:46.
  4. Nothing to note of here as of yet. Just a normal windy day. Top gust so far here is 42 mph at 03:45.
  5. Holy smokes! I've only hit 37 mph so far!
  6. I am slightly concerned about the wind I have to say, especially with the saturated ground. Lots of spruce forests will be demolished tomorrow and won't return to their current state for possibly 20 years.
  7. Woah, that's being incredibly OTT. I've learnt to not associate things with other things but yes, if the wind and rain was very severe I would obviously investigate and no just lie there. lol
  8. Haha, I certainly would of done! If only that was down here!
  9. I take back all my statuses saying "Why can't we get a proper storm?" and getting frustrated. Maybe tomorrow will deliver what all us high wind enthusiasts want who live in Southern England! Come on guys! Here we go!
  10. Exactly. That's why we're moving all our cars out of the way of our 100 - 200 year old Oak trees which are too the west of the cars. If a limb falls off one of them onto one of our cars it will be a total right off.
  11. Wow, that's impressive! Unfortunately, it seems to be underestimating the wind speed a little bit.
  12. Most of the rain is likely to miss us completely looking at the radar. Was expecting at least 10 mm by now and we've not even had half of that!
  13. Yes, same here. We don't have a hawthorn hedge but our south facing hedge started coming out a couple of weeks ago!
  14. I'm quite concerend about Dartmoor actually. 100 mm + could cause hurrendous flooding.
  15. A surprisingly warm night here, was expecting the temperature to drop to at least -3°C. Low Temperature Yesterday: -1.1°C at 22:31. Low Temperature Today: -0.6°C at 00:00.
  16. I reckon a very cold March and April with a warm May.
  17. Well, it's a long time since a rain band stalled directly overhead. Rainfall Today: 15.0 mm.
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