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Everything posted by Climate_Eyes

  1. Anomalous propagation I think, quite often get spurious returns in this sector.
  2. Big lightning flash to my south and a deep rumble of thunder. Unfortunately not quite snowing here yet so I can't claim my first thundersnow!
  3. Grey, cloudy. Cloudy and grey. Soggy. 7.2°C. A Jenny Wren paid a visit to the garden though, that brightened my day.
  4. -1.4°C/-1.7°C DP and a lovely cold day, best in a while here. Fog now settling in, just been for a quick walk and the fallow deer in the field looked quite majestic in the fading light and mist. Feels raw out.
  5. Similar here Matt, 1.9°C and DP -0.8°C, I keep thinking the shower activity is pepping up and/or developing a slightly more E component, but I think it's wishful thinking
  6. Oh yes please sign me up to those, I love the badly behaved ones. If you find any Dexter cattle or goats down the back of the sofa I'll take them aswell.
  7. Hi jtay, hope you're well... when I finally get the smallholding of my dreams I'll let you know , my indoor bun is good though!
  8. Temperature in E Hants has finally dropped to 3.9 and my DP has tumbled to 0.5. The more northern patches of precip are currently fizzling out as they come inland, here's hoping for a reinvigoration later and who knows.. maybe a bit of light sleet?! Sky's the limit
  9. Don't tempt me, I bl**dy love Winch. And you get more storms than us!
  10. Same here Matt. Have barely seen any frost either. We were on the edge of the precip earlier before it slid South but not a flake.. yet. Hopefully something will crop up for us soon.
  11. Moderate steady rain here on the far eastern reaches of Hampshire, but the temperature has started to dive and every so often there's snowflakes in the mix.
  12. Don't see too many doubles this way, guessing it was the Winchester area mentioned earlier. Now very dark and breezy, and the birds look confused.
  13. Beautiful skies from the Steyning, W Sussex area looking north. These came up pretty damn quick.
  14. In the Luuuuuutons massif! Some stunning structures in the skies today but alas, nothing is going pop.
  15. As a Ports student with the dental school, we share students from KCL and though face-to-face lectures have been cancelled, clinic is still expected to run, but for how long I don't know.
  16. Fairly active little storm in Steyning, heavy rain and fresh air. Also a short-lived very localised storm at around 3 - 3:30am.
  17. If you're desperate there's always Posh Nosh in Shoreham Currently near Steyning, some lovely skyscapes out west right now.
  18. Hi Lu! Yes it was really odd, almost like the earth itself was creaking, that's the best I can come up with.. And cheers, only phone stills but fun to get. Your pics are great btw, hope you do well again tomorrow!
  19. Couple of stills from last night, as others have already mentioned there was a distinct lack of CG, with around 50 minutes of footage producing just a handful of forks. That said, it was an amazing night. Unreal humidity gave way to two rounds of some of the most intense lightning I have ever experienced. Seeing the cloud tops lit up from miles away whilst the local atmosphere remained completely still and silent only added to the build-up, and when rain did arrive it wasn't particularly heavy or intense. As the second round closed in, the intensity peaked with some pretty odd sounds. There was some very loud decent deep gunshot thunder, but mostly the atmosphere just groaned and grumbled almost without a break, and with such anger. Fantastic. Also heard buzzing presumably from static discharge around the most intense segments. Amazing photos on here today, great to see so many people got to witness it too, I hope those that missed out get a better opportunity soon (tomorrow?).
  20. This. Is. Insane. Intense lightning to my west, south east, and south. Long peals of thunder occasionally, humidity high, not a leaf moving. I'm seeing the off fork in the elevated stuff. No rain yet. I've seen a few storms in my life. This is already top 3.
  21. Almost constant lightning to my south and now, just about, distant thunder. The heat is unreal. Lawn has stayed completely dry. Could be a long night.
  22. I promptly fell asleep after that, hope I didn't miss anything Looks like the atmosphere is still marginally conducive to some activity so some may get the odd rumble for a while.
  23. Character building.. Pelting rain, medium-sized hail and some decent lightning passed over a short while ago.
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