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Everything posted by Dami

  1. Not expecting much here, apart from a rather cloudy-ish sunny, normal summers' day. With a bit of a breeze as standard. Hope to eat my words.
  2. Was cloudy when i went to take lil one to school, but i can see the sun trying to break thru, which it does with ease here. Not as warm, and the wind feels a bit cooler but it feels humid once the wind drops.
  3. Even putting the washing out didn't increase the chance of something stormy. It just circled round me.
  4. So annoying. But anyways days like this are my favorite, hot, humid clouds building storms all around. Could smell the rainy smell from the pasting storm so not all is lost. Next time!
  5. lovely black sky going away, no rumbles and a quick look at the radar hinted i should of least got some rain, but nothing. Been out in the garden putting some washing out and not a drop. How odd.
  6. have been poking my head out the door while i was cooking and haven't heard a rumble, sun back out prffff
  7. Am looking at the MK storm, watching it do it's usual past me by
  8. Stormy looking shower I watched on the return home is now indeed producing lightning now.
  9. My little one wanted to go the longer way home, so perfect to see the shower you got, be it looking a tad stormy! Would of taken a pic but my phone really isn't very good at cloud pics. But here's hoping. Edit - just looked at radar and that shower has intensified. Cell heading MK way and that one with little ole me in the middle with nothing but sun
  10. I'm not actually a million miles away from Kempston, as in the next village along and it got dark here, but no rain to speak off and now the sun is back out. Yeps we got cells coming out of no where, will be doing my daily rec of whats about in a sec when i do the school run.
  11. Day started cloudy, that all disappeared, then from a few puffs of fine weather stuff, we have streets of huge cumulus cloud all around, building like their life depends on it. And it does, I would like a bit of thunder. But sadly, I expect it will start to form here and head up north.
  12. It went from cloudy and bleugh to suddenly baking hot. Was burning waiting for lil one to finish school.
  13. This weather is a bit like Englands attempt of football. If you like storms, that is.
  14. I woke up to a bit sun, a bit of cloud ,a bit of a breeze. Warmed up during the day but the breeze dropped enough so we couldn't go out and fly little one's Winnie the Pooh kite as promised. All the cloud gone and making for a clear night. Borrriiinnnggg weather is boring.
  15. was no point posting anything yesterday, it was same as the day before ;- cloudy,cool, damp, boring/ Much better day today. Sun is out.
  16. Normal 'after the storm' murk and drizzle. Started as I hung my washing out.
  17. Was still awake till 2am, and we had about 3 pulses of rain. Thought could see some flickering, and at one point someone out side went 'ooh' I didn't really see much in the way of lightning where our bedroom is, but saw one out the back, no thunder at all. Hubs said all the car alarms went off a few hours later but neither of us heard or saw anything.
  18. Been in the garden, and it soo lovely out there. Saw the cloud over in your direction, saw the clear spot over mine. No rain, but got the warm wind. Still can smell the rainy summer rain smell and that wind is getting up.
  19. Here I am again Posting now because I expect to get an early night. Good luck to all.
  20. It's more a hopecast if 'wot no storms' Bedford gets anything. Clouds have been interesting all day long, in fact it looked a bit stormy earlier on. Now it's a lovely out side, clouding over and even with a stuffed up nose, can smell the rain already. note to self : find that camera.
  21. Morning all! Beautiful out there at the moment, little one and hubs have gone out in their shorts to 'fathers day breakfast' at school. A bit of High cloud, but still and sunny.In other news summer colds are not good.
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