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Everything posted by Dami

  1. I don't think the wind has dropped for months here, there is always some wind.
  2. Rant over, here's to a great few days weather It's in one of the threads i read...you know me and my ignore button if anyone dared !
  3. People telling others 'to get real' or the likes of really annoys me..I have a real passion for storms..deal with it
  4. Firstly I will say I am a total amateur when it comes to weather, my forecasting ability is limited to cloud watching and peaking at the radar and yes, largely I end up in the no storms thread, but i find the fun of these events is the anticipation of what will happen and some seem to be dampening this before the event is actually here. I am fully aware that things will change, and i fully aware that my 80% of storm means nothing but what a computer thinks, but hey.. Please don't complain about the likes of us having a bit of fun because we are getting a bit excited, cheers. We are all passionate about the weather or we wouldn't be here.
  5. So what is the best day to be radar watching? MetO thinks saturday, here Friday, acc weather thinks from tomorrow onwards...
  6. hope they develop away and head over rather than what normally happens when cells start to develop over me and head north
  7. Well yeah didn't expect a day of thunderstorm chance anyway, going from my experience .
  8. From a great looking Friday to almost nothing..getting sweaty for nothing.
  9. yep overcast here and a breeze. will be heading that way myself in a bit.
  10. Lovely here atm, nice breeze, quite alot of cloud in the sky.
  11. If this Heat brings us some weather to get excited about then so be it - Doesn't mean I will automatically enjoy being hot,sweaty,sleepy and watch my lil one suffer too. I am happy with warm weather, i have nothing against warm weather. And to those who wonder how I would cope in hotter climates - I don't tend to head to them anyways- so that point would be null and void.
  12. I'm sitting on your side of the fence on this one. So many disappointments so i'm going to take each update and down grade as it comes...
  13. I, for one, is not looking forward to 30C and what kind of temps the night will bring. Going to stick my neck out and say that as Bedford seems to have an amazing chance of having NOTHING storm wise, I am glad i will be dry for the school run and hope i don't melt getting there. I shall be thankful for the breeze that we have had for ages. Next weekend though, it is very welcome to do it's thang I don't like hot weather.com
  14. open back door, check heavy cloud and humidity. Phone goes Forget door is open, sudden heavy shower, get back to kitchen, puddle on floor. Oh the joys.
  15. We must of had some rain ..some of the cars look wet..but the ground is dry. Heavy cloud, broken above my house hahah. Thought I saw a few flashes before I dropped off to sleep but no thunder.
  16. very dark out back a little way off. radar shows it to be a light shower near Luton. Nice breeze and a bit of high cloud.
  17. I don't even have to say it really. Guess who's stormless? yeah i know it's hit and miss but c'mon the law of averages and all.
  18. Been watching clouds develop then it turned into murk and now the suns out. yay.
  19. Going to wonder something and see If anyone knows... A good few years ago my now late parents and I were taking a Holiday in Hayling Island and one evening they got talking to another family in the pub garden. The man then went onto say that 'he could smell that a thunderstorm was on the way' and ten hours later we indeed had a storm. I also have a friend who could 'smell' when it was going to snow. Any idea's what this 'smell' could be? My mum thought perhaps it was a burning smell, but tbh i have never smelt anything different before a storm hits. .so can you smell a storms on the way, really?
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