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Everything posted by Dami

  1. I miss Airbourne and the red arrows, being a native to those parts.
  2. Phew too hot. *fans herself* and I know it will just get hotter. Need storms to cool off. *runs and hides*
  3. Hubs said it was warm out, don't think we had any rain today.
  4. A bit rainy on and off, nothing really heavy. Thankful that it's not too hot, 2nd Bad cold in two months, feeling too yuck to run after storms today.
  5. Thought heard another rumble and also thought it was clearing and the sun was trying to poke though. Still raining. Poor school fair turned into a wash out
  6. Can see how the cloud circle round my village very well while out, according to Radar something is close to hitting, but i think it will head more MK way. Some very heavy rain in that cell too. Got such a thunder headache today
  7. The one time I would like some dry weather it rains. And boy, is it raining, And dark. And i have a headache. Could of least had some thunder, 20mins down the road has a nasty storm by the sounds..... Edit - just had a clap of thunder.
  8. Just got back from little ones fair, pretty much big drops of rain the hour we were there, but amazing view of the dark clouds around. Got home just before the heavens opened and it got dark. No thunder but at least got little one her go on the castle. Too wet for the face painting
  9. I think BT are having a storm, My connection is bad and I can't see the radar
  10. Not expecting anything and between 11 and 3 it's not allowed. Little one wants to play on the bouncy castle and get her face painted hopefully.
  11. Been in my location best part of seven years, last winter the only winter we didn't have snow. Even had snow on the ground one Christmas.
  12. Just had a shower that wet the ground but nothing amazing. yep I just got the edge of it.
  13. Had a lot of nears misses today, on to number 5, which is giving me the odd spots of rain. Not a minutes walk and I can see all around so perfect for watching things build and develop, not so perfect for being actually hit by anything.
  14. A few cells round me, doing all they can to miss me. Can't make out how things are moving tbh, thought i was going to be lucky and then it suddenly changes direction. They are winning.
  15. Looks like i have two storms, One MK way (my back) and one at the front of the house. Clear sky above me.
  16. pffff, cloud has split here. wind got up and a little spot of rain. Can see that storm, been like that all day, Doesn't matter where the showers come from they get here and almost circle round. Just heard some distant thunder...
  17. Little cell near my area, hoping it won't go splat before it gets here. Nothing but rain, mind you.
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