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Speedway Slider

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Everything posted by Speedway Slider

  1. Exactly the same over Leicester.... Wind has picked up, random directions though, and cooled down just a tad....
  2. I have been looking on the interweb for a website that has pictures of different cloud types and their type names, can anyone recommend a good one that is informative (don't just want cloud pic and name) anyone with any recommendations?? Thanks..
  3. The phrase "Thundery Shower/s" should be banned from use.... Heavy rain, chance of thunder.. Or Thunderstorms
  4. Just watched the weather forecast (13:30) on BBC1 They seem confident that the severe weather is going to be confined to the South East corner... Tonight and tomorrow morning....
  5. Where's this stuff coming from? Actually, I mean where is it's birthplace? I have attached a screen grab from Blitzortung which shows some thunderstorm/s activity exiting the Bay of Biscay, is that the focal point of where this potentially severe weather is coming from?? Thanks in advance....
  6. Sorry, you've really put the kybosh on it now!!! Why did you have to go and use the word "Humdingers" Nice and quiet day expected tomorrow now........
  7. I tried to ask this question the other day, but I had internet issues, and when I went to look for the question/answers I think it actually never made it on here!! So, when we see lightning hit trees, chimneys, roofs, aerials, there's always damage, some very severe........ With the billions and billions and billions of CG strikes there are, when a bolt hits say, a concrete slab, or tarmac, grass etc, does it cause any visual damage? Sand gives a fulgarite, what about soil or any other sort of ground strike??? Cheers Karl
  8. I am exactly the same, at home, scared stiff, in car, or even at someone else's house, even in a Vick of flats I feel safe....... Am I Strange, or is this quite common?
  9. First action off coast at Margate, a huddle of strikes just out to sea....
  10. This rain band seems to travelling from the south west, to the north east? If this is correct, we could be just under rain for most of the day, unless it breaks up? No sun yet (at all) temps around 15.2c.... Anyone able to expand on this rain band, it's almost a train of rain on and off......? Cheers Karl
  11. Can someone explain this wind at 300hpa chart please, I think I get the directions, but unsure on convergence zones? hpa? Thanks in advance.. SS.
  12. Reminds me of the way sand lays when the tide has receded....... What are these clouds called anyone,?
  13. That's what I think.... All the pinks, purples, reds have just about gone from rainfall radar, and outside temp dropped from a barmy 22c at 4pm to a comfortable 17c in Leicester.... Humidity has also calmed down, and the rain has stopped for now....
  14. Well, strange storm that we had in Leicester.... Very, very loud, bangy, bang, bangy, house shaking type thunder.. (That's its technical term) not creamy, rolling, pile of bricks falling over type thunder.. Even the thunder from bolts that were under 1 to 2 seconds from their associated lightning strike!! No grouping together either, if you know what I mean.. and biblical rain, flooded my kitchen twice, coming under the kitchen door, even though it has a step! All died away now, and stomach has calmed down as well.. The second screen grab has the close strikes on it.... Don't know how to delete the first one!!
  15. Not so fortunate here in Leicester Gordon, T and L for last hour, some right old widow rattlers!!!!
  16. Stamford, Birmingham and Northern Ireland having sparks at the moment.... Oh, and North Wales as well....
  17. Hi Gordon, it started to dissipate, and then turned South! So it never reached me!! I am petrified of Lightning/thunder, but also fascinated by it, quite unsuitable bed fellows to be honest!! Thats why I am on here, to learn as much as possible form the good folk of Netweather.....!!
  18. Definitely edging towards that little arrow which is little ole me!!!!!! eeeeeeeeekk!!!
  19. That looks like it's spinning towards me!!!! (Leicester)!!
  20. The wavy line of convection is gradually fattening up... but has a weak spot across the Midlands....... Wonder if the 2 ends will join up?
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