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Flash bang flash bang etc

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Everything posted by Flash bang flash bang etc

  1. Just wondering (and if it hasn't already been discussed) how many of you have experienced storm events on consecutive days - as in 'proper' thunderstorms. I grew up thinking nature didn't work that way and a thunderstorm would clear the air for days afterwards - but obviously in the real world (Florida for example) it happens all the time. How frequently does it happen in the UK? I can't remember any times it's happened to me...
  2. Meh. Everything downgraded in the last 5 hrs for the whole weekend. Meh Meh.
  3. Yeah but aliens didn't land, so I guess we can say it was bad forecasting
  4. Video from the oxford chase (not the best but only my first one!)
  5. Just working through my pics. Here's a selection from the Oxford (super)cell. (Was it really a supercell?) Watching the beast approach... Lovely cumulus tower from a lay-by on the way towards it Awesome threatening sky over the park and ride Got a bolt out of it - but was rumbling away. Quite active, would have been amazing to see at night I bet! Got over-excited when I first saw this, but looks like just an interesting cloud and nothing more serious than that! Screengrab from a video I took - rotating cloud base turned green! Now - is/was this a microburst? Didn't seem to be rotating in any noticeable way
  6. They always say that but I dunno if the science would really support it. Stuff like "well lightning struck my house in '72 and I've never had to change my underwear since" or one bloke I remember says he never has to wear jumpers since being struck years back - but how would that happen? Does it melt your DNA or something?Surely if it had that profound an impact it would mess up your health?As for people retaining some sort of charge afterwards, that can't be possible can it?
  7. I'm hoping met office et al have read the more frustrated posts on this forum and are now severely downplaying the chances for this weekend... :-P
  8. I chased that very storm! Was driving down into it and stopped at Kiddlington (?) to watch. Constant rumbling and some of the lightning I saw but a lot was IC.Saw a low base on it in the distance an headed out down some o the country roads ending up in Lurgashall (?) where I got some pretty awesome video of it and photos. The cloud was green at one point. Simply stunning to watch - and so close too! Whether or not it was super cellular it definately had rotation and caught an image of what looks like a very localised microburst. I'll upload vids and photos tomo - on my camera and need a pc to get them off
  9. So next weekend isn't a plume event then... More of a home-grown situation? Will storms track west from Wales and the West Country? I have a system now where I hea toward where the storm will come from and travel ahead of it back home. Worked well on thurs though I think I bottled it too early and missed a lot of the good CGs
  10. I'm still trawling through slomo footage but only got a few strikes. More practice storms needed methinks!
  11. Don't mean to cause any offence but don't tell someone who loves storms they have 'sour grapes' when areas of the country have amazing storms and others miss out completely. Please understand the frustration when you, I or anyone who likes storms has to watch as the media portray how brilliant it was to be there and see it. I was very lucky on Thursday but very disappointed that storm wasn't the first of many as indicated by almost every forecasting outlet.Also bear in mind Essex had countless continuously powerful storms, that's quite an awesome thing and I hope all who saw them got their full of storm fun.I understand the elation of those who had storms and feel the pain for those who didn't - I think the issue of damage caused is quite irrelevant if we are talking about people wanting to witness powerful storms - and people who had their hopes dashed quite severely.
  12. Stop saying how good the plume was! I'm storm starved and looking forward to this week's potential... please, no more mention of the 'P' word unless you are referring to something forthcoming - or I might eat my own foot with frustration!
  13. And i know it's gonna be a controversial thing to say - but Kent, East London and Essex don't deserve any more thunderstorms for the next 5 weeks.
  14. I wouldn't worry - we were for case to be in the eye of Friday nights activity but for some inexplicable reason we just had heavy rain with no electrical activity. What I don't understand is that I can't see what ingredient was missing. Wish I could go back to Thursday night - that storm was the only one we got but I watched it being born just south of Portsmouth and then it followed me up the A3 (at tremendous speed for a thunderstorm!) and overtook me when I got home. Wish I'd stayed out in it but watched from west facing window and feel like I missed a lot of the strikes. All good practice though. Great storm indeed but then we got nothing after that as each storm tracked east over Kent time and time again.The fact still remains that the weather predictions for some areas were well over the top seen as I didn't even hear a rumble in our next of the woods Friday into Saturday. Yes it's IMBY but a real letdown over the weekend.I think the central south (Hants & Surrey) deserve a belter this coming Friday night. That plume owes us big time...
  15. People cycling out in Oxfordshire under that cell. Followed it for miles and nearly saw a funnel. Looked like something off I the Great Plains ! Amazing
  16. I'm near Northampton and watched cells disappear off northward. Gotta be in Bristol area for 8pm. Where is best to head for this afternoon storms?
  17. I must admit BBC Surrey is a bit excitable but they said several times (and I quote:) "expect frequent lightning"
  18. But there are storm systems that once again appear to be favouring the east as their final destination, plus they still have te humidity (somehow)Maybe also because they are that little bit closer to Benelux?
  19. I agree. Clearly met office were very wrong for some areas - BBC Surrey were practically promising storms and we didn't even get distant.
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