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Everything posted by snowidea

  1. Nothing here in Falkirk but oh golly it feels muggy, hot and oppressive.
  2. Have been AWOL for a while, not usually a summer poster anyway. Feeling very warm and humid here in Falkirk. Has been an amazing couple of months weather wise and I've managed to wobble my way up 9 Munros since early April plus Ben Ledi and Snowdon (or Yr Wyddfa to give it its correct name) not bad for a fat bird in her (early) 50s. Keeping my eye on the radar, i like a bit of thunder.
  3. We're currently down in Snowdonia, stomped up Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) yesterday, left really early to avoid the hoards but it was still far busier than most Scottish hills and nigh on impossible to find a private place for an emergency wee. Had to brazen it out behind a boulder that could only be seen by half of Wales as opposed to all of it. Snowdonia is nice, but so far seems less wild than Scotland (so not as good) and obviously not as big. Warmer too as no snow to be seen on any of the hills.
  4. Not exactly getting buried but will take what I can get MOV_1091.mp4
  5. A few flakes have just started here, blink and you'd miss them though Edit, pretty heavy now and just starting to settle
  6. Just been out for a 2 hour wet dog walk round the trails. Started off with rain with a mix of hail, moved onto definite snowflakes mixed in with the rain, then back to just rain again at the end. The stuff falling now looks sleety again but obviously everything melting on contact with the ground. Ended up doing a slightly longer walk as had to divert to avoid this at the end of the walk. The dog wasn't happy, he knew through the flood was the quickest way home.
  7. I second @Cheggerschucking it down, daughter stopping around as she doesn't like wearing a raincoat to school.
  8. This made it to us I think, very light flurries spotted on the evening dog walk
  9. We saw some snow flurries today on our dog walk at Bracklin Falls in Callander. Fab day though, cold with blue skies and the odd flurry (snow equivalent of drizzle). Stopped off for a nosy at the Red Well on the return leg, Mr Snowidea thought it would be a good idea to stick his hand under the trickle of water then smear his head with it. Unfortunately for him the water really is red and left a lurid and tenacious orange stain on his forehead, so he spent the next three hours looking like a sunbed victim
  10. Ooh ooh ooh stick stick. I know it's wishful thinking, but that's the best snowcast for Falkirk ive seen all winter
  11. Nice day today, has a wander up the Whangie before visiting mother in law in the care home.
  12. Arghh gutted I missed the aurora, everywhere is overcast now so don't think I'll catch it tonight either. Stonked up Ben Chonzie today, hardly a patch of snow to be seen. It was nice and quiet though.
  13. Afternoon, weather still a bit yawny here though it was extremely windy last night. The dog was stripped last week so tried to get him to wear his coat. Didn't last long as he just kept refusing to walk.
  14. Surprisingly quite a bit of choice just outside the National Park, seen a few nice looking places on the Llyn peninsula. Never been to Arran, it's on the list. Hope you find somewhere nice.
  15. Weather all a bit yawn, have resorted to looking for holiday cottages for a week at Easter. Considering Snowdonia, anyone been ?
  16. Checked met office, got excited at what looked like a snow symbol for Tuesday, turned out to be a dirty mark on my phone screen
  17. Blimey Ralph de Bricassart has let himself go. Yesterday was nice, I was working, this morning was nice, working again. Left early, weather now dreich.
  18. Total surprise when I woke up this morning. Took the dog out for a stomp. Stole the photos from my hubby, the last one looks like a Christmas card, the flash of red is a bullfinch.
  19. It was a nice day here today, went for a stonk up Dumyat with what felt like half the population of the central belt
  20. Hope you get it sorted. Feels like everything is eating our money at the moment with the biggest culprit being the dog (stomach issue and £800 at the vets this week, praying the insurance will cover). Feels chilly today but it's sunny and no rain.
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