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Everything posted by Snipper

  1. Coronavirus: How worried should we be? Coronavirus: How worried should we be? WWW.BBC.CO.UK Hundreds of people people have been infected with a newly-discovered virus. something to pick holes in?
  2. You got shares in a dairy and a Health food place?
  3. I’d probably get a call saying go to China as we are fed up with you. Attend the surgery too often. Once or twice a year.
  4. China is a sleeping lion. Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.~Napoleon Bet he wasn’t thinking of a virus.
  5. Well Boris has always said he wants to do special things for the north.
  6. Cope with what? If your local council’s staff are made ineffective by illness are the NHS going to step in? Rubbish piling up in the streets etc.
  7. The NHS won’t do everything. They can’t cope with current doctoring let alone what potentially this is. Foot soldiers will be needed plus other assistance.
  8. But what about your local council? Do they have much or any policy as nothing much has happened for years?
  9. Coronavirus declared global health emergency by WHO https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51318246
  10. Locust plagues been around forever almost. Check out Exodus and Revelations.
  11. Just booked the family in to a Chinese restaurant we use for birthdays. It’s to celebrate my birthday but as dementia has kicked in I’m not sure which one. 45? 60? Oh it’s 75 I think. They all like going as dad picks up the tab. Checked the menu but they don’t have bat burgers on. Damn!
  12. Well the masks you usually see probably would not save you from anything. If they can’t keep dust out if you are doing a bit of sanding what chance for micro organisms? Probably do better by sticking a couple of plugs of cotton wool up your nose.
  13. Other thing that seems surprising is there is no notification of any cases in UK yet. Could it be the NHS staff are too busy trying to find a parking place they can afford to record anything.
  14. Got my pot of red paint and brush at the ready.
  15. Not shown yet on Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS GISANDDATA.MAPS.ARCGIS.COM they do show a case in Sri Lanka
  16. Probably helps if China is something akin to a dictatorship. I don’t expect any planning permission was sort for the hospitals they are building at rapid speed.
  17. Do they pay for their flight and will they get duty free purchases? Most unreasonable that they can’t get of the flight and spread anything they have around the place.
  18. Yeah, also stupid to cry wolf too often. Not saying this virus isn’t the real thing. Easy for us on here to hype it but more difficult for others where their words have a considerable impact and ramifications. Your damned if you do and you are damned if you don’t.
  19. I ponder if the comments on here about the urgency and severity are similar to the hype about severe weather where posters are severely criticising the Met Office for not declaring a national emergency because of possible incoming weather. In the event frequently the hype turns into a no news day.
  20. Yes we should all fear the headless chicken syndrome
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