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Everything posted by Snipper

  1. Interesting read China and the virus that threatens everything WWW.BBC.CO.UK With the country reeling from the massive public health disaster, what might it mean for the economy, society and those in power?
  2. More than we’ll aware of the risks and precautions. It is trying to convince others, who are more interested in the likes of Strictly Come Dancing, we need to convince. Our daughter has had her spleen removed so the risks for her are very apparent.
  3. Off to the medical school later this week doing my volunteering bit. Be interesting how (if they have noticed) they are considering things.
  4. Isn’t this where the person who has infected a lot of people (allegedly) ended up? Difficult telling the truth about reports being thrown around. If it was wonder how many friends he now has?
  5. I expect there will still be stupid people turning up at A&E and GP surgeries with a cold as they do now. Just because the threat level quite reasonably has been raised the chances for a vast majority of the population coming in contact with the virus must still be low.
  6. Feels like an anticlimax after the warnings. Quite glad it wasn’t as bad as predicted as quite a lot of people would have been out of pocket. Having said that nothing nicer than a real good weather event. The best seem to come out of nowhere..
  7. For this area been an interesting day but nothing like was hyped. Who’d be a weather forecaster?
  8. Not necessarily right but deeds should show responsibility. Boundary disputes can be a nightmare. For example if the owner of the fence doesn’t repair it and you put up a replacement. Some times that is the only option with an uncooperative neighbour. General rule with a close boarded fence is you drive the nails into your property. But who wants look at the backside of a fence if you have paid for it? Of course with woven panels there is no back and front.
  9. Let’s hope the speedo on your car is more accurate
  10. Please can all posters indicate their location. Go to your profile at top right of page and add or amend. Thanks.
  11. Yes can agree but please don’t expect anyone come to your rescue if you get it wrong.
  12. Yes I agree. But those who are stupid and get into trouble are good lessons for everyone else. We live in cotton wool times. Just hope people judge the risks as others might be placed in difficulty trying to help them.
  13. After this lovely lull day before the storm it is all a bit spooky.
  14. Never smoked. Decided to concentrate on booze, drugs and sex instead.
  15. In the 87 storm damaged caused was quite variable. Some areas completely trashed and others less so. Remember well looking out our bedroom window to see mature trees falling everywhere. We had no electricity for nearly a week. Took a car battery into work and charged it up so we could watch TV for a couple of hours each night on a little portable. Fortunately we did not rely on electricity for heating. No mobile phone nor did the landline work. So there was one benefit. Everyone itching to go all electric to save the planet? Always nice in these circumstances to have Plan B if you can. AMBER WARNING FOR MOST OF england just announced
  16. Coronavirus: Pressure grows to re-open factories https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51353501
  17. I remain wary about giving warnings to family and friends about severe weather. To often I have been laughed at because of what has been hyped on here only to find it has gone north, south or not occurred at all.
  18. I know many on here don’t like (or are dismissive) weather apps. Looked at a few and none show the high wind figures being thrown around on here.
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