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Frost HoIIow

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Everything posted by Frost HoIIow

  1. Yes I remember 2013 being notably late for leaf development - things went into May until most started to open. Not surprising given how cold the first quarter of that year was. But yes I agree that this year given it was quite a mild Winter we'll soon see those leaves coming on the trees.
  2. Yes never thought this was going to happen pre Xmas. But when China started to see the rise of this strange virus I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before it got here. In a globalised world it is inevitable. We cannot just shut down airports/borders. The economy would just falter. Well it is now I guess but shutting the borders earlier like in January would have caused more harm by now.
  3. To be honest I haven't a clue about that one. Someone else here should know though. I was under the impression deaths was with & without underlying health conditions but maybe not.
  4. Either they're telling fibs about the deaths or for some reason the healthcare is of better quality than the NHS. I did read the other day that Germany has a lot more ICU's than the UK. So that's probably another reason.
  5. Went to Tesco today & tried to buy some packets of noodles to put on top of my stir fried veg & meat but they had none. Went to the ethnic aisle with Chinese food to buy a couple of packets of theirs but none there either. There was a notice no delivery until the 21st. Ended up in Morrisons which had a few packets of noodles left thankfully. Cashier said they've never seen anything like it been worse than Christmas. People barging in, arguing with each other & abusive to staff. This has really brought out the worse in a lot of people. And for what? Most people will survive this thing even if they catch it as the vast majority do not die from it. We've hardly had any stories from people who've got over it...only a trickle. Yet there's thousands out there. We're only fed bad news. Eventually this virus will die down & normality will resume thankfully.
  6. I don't think we'll ever know for sure. Some say it started with an animal at the market, some say it accidentally leaked from a lab in Wuhan, some say it was planted in Wuhan by the US because they knew about the lab there - basically a convenient placement to unleash it & drop the world population starting with China. I'm not sure what to believe only that I hope the bloody thing goes away soon so we can get back to some kind of normality as it's getting it's hooks in most things we do & enjoy.
  7. Yes sneezing doesn't seem to be a early red flag. As almost everyone who have gave descriptions of the early symptoms say it often starts with a fever, muscle aches & headache. Which then progresses to respiratory problems.
  8. Unfortunately my missus doesn't think it's real. And thinks it's all being blown out of proportion. I just don't talk to her about it anymore as I get earache & high blood pressure. She blew her top the other day because I bought a mask. Really don't see what's wrong in being prepared for any eventuality.
  9. With this virus circulating I think it's fantastic we're sharing knowledge of health to help each other. Netweather is a great community and tonight proves it
  10. Vitamin D3 is fat soluble so if you decide to take it it's best with some fat like oil or butter for it to work properly. And if possible take D3 along with K2. It stops calcification in the body as D3 increases calcium levels.
  11. Indeed. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but anyone would think they want it to spread.
  12. Had a similar thing. But it was printed on my repeat prescription that the pharmacist gave me for my next lot of medication. Very odd. Seems like someone is ordering GP surgeries to do this?
  13. A concerning thing locally is the gentleman who died at North Manchester general hospital. It's not a million miles from here in Oldham. He recently returned from Italy & brought back the more serious strain. Makes one wonder who else he passed it on to.
  14. Makes sense as Italian is the dominant language spoken in the southern part of Switzerland. Further north in the country it's mostly Swiss German & French that is spoken. Not unheard of for some Swiss people to speak all 3 fluently. I remember a while back Roger Federer saying he is learning Italian. Already he speaks Swiss German & French... English too.
  15. Inevitable in an overpopulated country like the UK. Lots of people per square mile means big trouble in times like this especially for England. You only have to look at the current figures which show comparatively low cases in Scotland, NI & Wales compared to England.
  16. Zero cases in Turkey right on Iran's doorstep? Not so sure I believe Erdogan.
  17. Anyone know what happens if it mutates? as they keep talking about it probably doing so but not giving an explanation as to the implications if it does.
  18. I had a similar thing Crewe - except unlike yourself I had terrible phlegm that lasted for a month. Started for me on Christmas Eve. Fever & sore throat for a couple of days then it went into persistent phlegm & cough from day 3 which was diagnosed as croup (very rare in adults in my age bracket of almost 70). My family that have been in close contact with me did not get any of my symptoms so I doubt it was the highly infectious Coronavirus. I reckon it was just a bad bug that I had the misfortune to catch that my family did not.
  19. It will spread like wildfire in London. Super densely populated area. Things like the tube will be a big carrier no doubt about it.
  20. 2nd poorest Winter I can remember round here with just 2 light coverings of snow both lasting only a few hours. Worst was 2013-14 with only one brief light covering one evening. Can things get worse in the future? Wouldn't surprise me if we went the entire Winter with no snow cover at all in the near future. We seem to be steadily heading that way.
  21. I don't blame you. I'm seriously considering ordering a decent mask before there's a surge in buying them which I think will happen within days. Might look daft wearing one but if it protects to some degree it's better than taking a more stupid risk of mingling with the public not wearing one.
  22. Indeed. I've seen one (maybe the same video you saw) with a lot of body bags in a hospital in Qom. And another video of a person really struggling to breathe lying on the ground outside somewhere else in Iran. I think this is worse than Iran is letting on. I think China has heavily suppressed their true figures as well.
  23. Don't blame you. I quit 10 years ago best thing I ever did. Now I don't have any chest/lung issues. Not to mention the amount of money I saved as well.
  24. There's not enough expletives that can be used to describe today but I'll refrain. There's been so many of these wash out day's this Winter. It's like living in Seattle. At least tomorrow looks a bit better.
  25. Yes this Winter could have been worse. Could have been much better too. For March I'm not hunting for warmth. It's a bit pointless anyway as it's rarely if ever a warm month. Exceptions like the freak warmth of March 2012 can happen but very rare. To me most of the month still feels quite wintry. I reckon Spring kicks more into gear once the trees begin to come into leaf in April & the days really begin to draw out. The sun starts to have more bite to it then as well. Usually that's when I begin to get a bit red from sun exposure.
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