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Everything posted by Delka

  1. sat in our east facing garden watching the darkness over that way hoping to spot something but sadl just the odd distant rumble. 3 miles south of spalding centre here and a little shower passed overhead and seems to have electrified just several miles north! just my luck really
  2. according to radar and lightning maps something might have just popped south of Nottingham, finally kicking off? rather rapidly too!
  3. nothing much but blue skies and 28c here but i’m taking that as a positive boost for anything that might be coming my way
  4. what time are we expecting the first developments to possibly appear on radar?
  5. that Leicester cell is becoming a right beast! hopefully someone is under that, i know id love to experience that right now
  6. 4pm looks promising for my location but i won’t hold my breath.. cant complain too much, moved here in November and i’ve already experienced a storm in April so it’s nice to see some areas get a sharing that normally find it harder to get activity
  7. hoping for today and Thursday here in Spalding, but i’m in Lynn tomorrow so i think being further east probably prohibits my chances even more
  8. big differences here in the last hour, let’s hope it does something for us lot this way i could be wrong but i think this might be our best chance this week?
  9. same cell that arrived here just south of Spalding, my windows face out your way and it definitely put on a great show on its way this direction!
  10. absolutely cracking little storm here in Spalding, seems to be over but can’t say to be honest as it kept coming back everytime i thought it had finished giving out! a great start to the storm season, if i get a few more of them this year i won’t be too unhappy
  11. nice clouds popping up in the Spalding area of Lincolnshire currently, a breeze coming off from under one moving up this way.. may have to end my sunbathing shortly!
  12. exactly what i was going to say i think i've caught the least snow showers out of anywhere else in norfolk today but i still got two dustings with another one possibly in the next half hour, we may be unlucky when it comes to frontal snow here but we definitely aren't unlucky when it comes to shower activity!
  13. wow, didn't think it was possible but it's currently snowing, albeit a bit sleety, with a dew point above freezing! surely my dew point reading of 1c must be wrong?
  14. Wow, shower incoming here right now probably sleet as dew point is slightly too high but it's gotten extremely dark as it approaches! Like the sun just set and it's dusk in about 2 minutes
  15. Love how quiet it's gotten since the snowfall last night, shows how many must be out making the most of it right now Our slushy covering from the last shower has all melted and the sun is out again. looks lovely out there although i know it's very cold and extremely bitter in the wind from a quick walk earlier. I can't help but think going back to the regular 8-11c maximum days are going to feel almost tropical now though, as this cold spell has been longer and more potent then i expected..
  16. finally caught our first all snow shower after on and off sleety messy showers since last night, bit wet so unfortunately not settling well but lovely to watch come down! huge flakes mixed in, hopefully keeps going.. give it ten more minutes of snow and i'd say we may get a full covering but it seems like it won't last that long as it has gotten slower
  17. that definitely is a problem too when watching for showers much like now, can never see where they're developing or if they're dying out or not til they're practically on your doorstep if you find another radar with better coverage let me know!
  18. wow, what a figure.. such beautiful ligh-- nevermind you mean't the snow
  19. Short 30 second burst of snow on the back end of a sleet shower, instant dusting on all surfaces oddly enough including the roads too. won't last long with temps still above freezing but hopefully that means any showers we catch for the rest of the evening will be snow only..
  20. i can't disagree more, i think it's great seeing what it's like over such a wide area and it definitely means that us further north have more company then would as a thread for just us lot in say norfolk and suffolk. would very surely get very empty and lonely without the business of all the towns and cities further south sometimes can be frustrating in events like this if others see more snow or completely different weather to you completely but 95% of the time (coming from a normally lurker), i think it's great to have it all together
  21. i don't think i've ever seen the radar do as poor as it has the last two days! precip where it's apparently not doing anything, and then no precip where there's big falls of snow any ideas as to why? very confusing
  22. just sleet here, if it was only one or two degrees colder we'd have been under a heavy snow shower right now damnit
  23. 5-10 minutes til i see if i get rain/sleet or snow from that blob shower moving into my area.. nerve-wracking stuff right now
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