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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Good forecast, JH...Maybe the Highlands' snow won't be about to vanish, afterall???
  2. I think we're all getting a bit 'down' just now, peeps...Although 'my' mountains are lovely and white at the mo, the sort of rubbish the models are indicating for the near future, does rather suggest that the whiteness may be only shortlived... :lol: That said, I do see some crumbs-of-comfort in the current uncertainty...All is not lost!!! :lol:
  3. I don't think I'll comment just yet, Val... I think I will leave it until after a few extra hundred jet-airliners have needlessly circumnavigated the globe...
  4. But, at least they're being honest about it...Because, after reading the plethora of 'alternative' forecasts, I'm left with one question: who knows? And, the impression I'm getting is that the best answer is no one!
  5. Unfortunately, the term 'Modern Era' often provokes a knee-jerk reaction among some; and, I suspect that to be a result of the amount of truth it contains...IMO, if it didn't contain any truth (ie. wasn't backed-up by facts) it would be laughed at like conspiracy theories are??
  6. Gee Whizz! It really does take a severe case of extremism to accuse CB of being a 'warmist'...
  7. Pretty indifferent to the term, tbh...Surely, IB's as entitled to post thoughts as is anyone else? And, as has been said above, the idea has more than a grain of support from the facts...
  8. If we'd seen 'cooling' since 1998 then I'm sure that that date would be the 'sceptics'' chosen start-date?? But it isn't...1998 is! But, no...We haven't seen any cooling so-far...So, what's the need to explain it??? If, and when, any cooling actually does occur, it'll need an explanation...Until then, there's nothing much to explain... :lol:
  9. Nice vid, Mondy. But what does it have to do with the MetO's winter forecast?
  10. Dry and clear with a nagging NE wind, 2C...
  11. So, there is no evidence that the Earth is cooling...It mightn't be warming as much as the doomsayers might insist? But it is not cooling!!!??? Which, considering the present state of both Solar output AND Milankovitch cycles, one would be expecting to be the case... Can you explain that???
  12. But weather and climate are two entirely different things...
  13. Dry and clear, 3C...Where does the homepage's -1C come from???
  14. Tbh, I'd rather see a seasonal forecast that genuinely reflects the current understanding of meteorology than one that pretends to have knowledge that (arguably) doesn't exist... Unlike with the MetO (computers or not) the media always forgets about the loons who, year-in, year-out, predict the next '47 or '63 based on berries, hedgehogs, waxwings, grebes, sheep or whatever... That said, I agree - this year's 'forecast' is a little odd. Maybe a tad too defensive methinks??
  15. Well, if there is any evidence for GC, then let's have it? I'm not championing AGW. I'm merely saying that the best evidence we have indicates that the globe has warmed over the past 150 years...But, IMO, stealing emails in a futile attempt to discredit on or two scientists, will not make the Earth get cooler??? I have no interest in the politics of the matter whatsoever; and, there are many, perfectly valid, reasons for scepticism re AGW...But, denying any warming is not one of them???
  16. It seems to me, that the Deniers (not the genuine sceptics!) are all in a flap? They're waving emails around like confetti, jumping up and down like kids with new toys, and making utter fools of themselves generally...Oh dear! We forgot about all the other lines of evidence that (heaven forbid) all point in the same direction as the 'discredited' data...
  17. Boring, bright and breezy, 4C...As per usual, now that temps are more suitable for snow, it's gone dry!
  18. Well, I've read the ones that have been doing the rounds within the blogosphere (Presumably, the most 'damning'?)...That's how I came to my 'Dribbling Peashooter' conclusion ...
  19. I agree with that, VP. IMO, an overblown Climate Conference will achieve absolutely nothing; at least in terms of what actually needs to be achieved!
  20. The most laughable thing is that BAU will also mean higher taxes and higher energy costs...
  21. Despite the fact that we have no 'clear undisputable evidence' of any such things...Welcome to netweather Pingo!
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