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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Really? Am I the only one that wishes that Ophelia would simply sod-off into the North Atlantic and consequently die a death? Okay, I must be missing something?
  2. Even a 'broken clock' has a better record than the Express? It'd take rather for a long time for a storm-system moving at 3 mph to cross the Atlantic!
  3. No, no, no...that's just how fast it's storming across the Atlantic!
  4. Wasn't there an episode of Horizon about that very thing...20-years ago?
  5. And, if we're really luck, we might catch a glimpse of Sydney lying on his sun-lounger?
  6. It's a sure sign that the silly season is fast approaching, when models start to stonk and scream!
  7. I'm looking forward to some mid-Autumn warmth, myself...At least it's not 25C at 9 a.m.! And, anywho, the chance of any meaningful cold, at this time of year, isn't that far from zero IMO?
  8. The problem with using the 11-Year Sunspot Cycle as a tool for weather forecasting is that, as far as I can see, there's no 'useful' correlation...I'm not trying to be either 'funny' or 'facetious'...but, if there were a 'useful' correlation, wouldn't professional meteorologists have been exploiting it for decades?
  9. Then again, it was 25C in the middle of October 1978...and the rest, as they say, is history!
  10. I sincerely hope that they're not 'still broken' from Katrina, Karyo?
  11. My hopes are for repeated 1947-esque snowfalls; my thoughts are 'yeah, right'; thus, my forecast is 'same sheet, different year'!
  12. With the one exception of 'feline', which nine-times-out-of-ten is meant to mean 'scaredy-cat' (I think?), I quite like the swear-filter: it makes one think about how one posts? Also, if there was no swear-filters, moderating the site would be a full-time job!
  13. But it is on topic Dave, even if you can't apprehend it...Have you never used the 'Cat's Whisker Test' as a way of assessing air-temperature and thus the Snow Accumulation Potential??
  14. I used to have a cat called Whiskers...I never was a skilled namer of cats - the one I have now is called Cat!
  15. Good point, LG. I guess that that's the problem with piddling around with tenths-of-degrees: an 'average' month doesn't have to be precisely on the arithmetic mean to be average...
  16. I absolutely loathe Autumn, have done for 40+ years...That said, I'm not averse to foggy mornings and the fact that the oppressive heat of (especially recent) summer has finally gone? Other than that though, it's too dark, too damp and it's never cold enough for anything other than cold rain or sleet - both of which I also cannae stand. Give me winter, Spring and summer any day!
  17. I think that you guys might have finally persuaded me? Not that I wouldn't personally prefer all-year-round BST (of course I would!) but that, in this day and age, it simply won't make the same difference it did 40-years' back? Och well!
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