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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Come back when it snows, NWS? If we haven't all died of old-age by then!
  2. Crikey...At mid-afternoon, the cold air was headed toward Greece; now it's bound for Shetland...Come-on guys - make yer bloody minds up!
  3. Only in so far as quite few lows moved west-to-east in that cold spell...Don't get too carried away! And no, DVR, I'm not 'that old'!
  4. Well, if you did, I haven't seen it. IMO, the only way you could be wrong would be if February were a colder month, statistically, than January? It isn't!
  5. So here we are, then...A new month and unsurprisingly: The building-blocks are all in place, for a real beast-from-the-east, the models are all singing from the same hymn-sheet and, as is always the case: the trend is our friend... That said, I'll believe it when I see it!
  6. I must admit that I'm now more optimistic than at any other time this winter. Why? Because the Atlantic effect looks like weakening at precisely the time when blocking to the East is at its strongest...There's a reason why February is traditionally well-known for its bitterly cold east winds...
  7. Crikey Fred...I'm sure that I had a dream, the other night, in which you had left NW...? If not, then - welcome back!
  8. Right then...The 'seeds are sown', the 'building-blocks in place' and the SSW is looking promising...Hey guys - what can go wrong now!
  9. Well, after 14 years' model-watching, I think It's about time I asked this question: How can a computer model be 'bullish' about a solution? When its prediction fails to materialise, as is often the case, does said model suddenly become 'sheepish'?
  10. Just had some strips of salted & crisped belly pork, dipped in onion humorous. Yum! Don't much like offal though, except when in a haggis. Enjoy your dinners peeps!
  11. I think I'll plump for 5.2C...If I'm as far out for Feb as I have been so far this winter, snow-lovers might be in for a treat!
  12. Cold, grey and breezy, but not even a flakelet of the white stuff; next-door's bird bath has frozen over, in the last half-hour, however.
  13. It's snowed in the States. It's snowed in Spain. It's snowed in Greece. And what do we get here in Blighty? Freezing sodding drizzle!
  14. Judging from all the activity in here and in the MAD thread, yesterday's hints towards impending Snowmageddon were a wee bit premature?
  15. Never meant to criticise your 'speeling', Chris...Considering that we've hardly seen a flake of snow since 2013, I just find the cliches funny!
  16. Isn't that always the case? I'm sure there's a net-weather cliche or two in there somewhere?
  17. I absolutely love snow, I always have; but, being told to expect it, when it's about as likely as my winning the lottery, really does peace me off!
  18. Oh dear, the modeleers are getting excited again...Blizzards incoming!
  19. Right then, as the GFS has failed again, can the second model please step up to the podium? Not to suggest that model-watching is pointless, of course!
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