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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. It's useless! Up in the North West Highlands the only solution was to leave the engine/heater running whilst enjoying a cup of coffee...I guess that, should you try that down here, your car will be nicked faster than you can say 'Jack Robinson'? Anyone know who he was?
  2. There's neither fog nor frost up here, this morning, just a layer of Ac. It's as boring as fook!
  3. Great to see another Spurs fan, Luke... After a sharp overnight frost, it's now brilliantly sunny, windless and 3C.
  4. But I can only see two ways in which that might happen: either it's after the sun's become a brown dwarf, or because Donald Trump inadvertently puts his finger on the wrong button!
  5. What an 'orrible day! Cloudy, dampish, 5C, and a nagging 7 mph easterly wind...
  6. Och well, another year without needing to sweep a foot of potential off my daughter's driveway!
  7. You may have wind directly off the sea, down there in Dover, Alexis?
  8. It got up to 7C here with brilliant sunshine. I am not complaining!
  9. That's true. I think I can remember, in the 1980s, when 'blowtorch' long-fetch southerlies almost immediately preceded stonking Beasts-from-the-East? That could of course be false memory syndrome?
  10. That chance or fat chance? But I certainly hope we're on the same side of the amplification, come Summer.
  11. Aye. I thought a wee smirk might be in order, Malcolm!
  12. So what has the past few days' model-watching taught us? IMO, not a lot. Just that, far from Sydney having his assets frozen, his nuts might instead get roasted.
  13. Sort of like Never Mind The B****cks, it's going to snow...Eventually!
  14. In the immortal words of The Thatch: Sydney's nuts are paramount!
  15. We can only hope that the models are ignorant, when it comes to putative SSWs.
  16. Temp has just bounced back up to 6C...Abandon hope, all ye who enter here?
  17. Temp now down to 5C and wind increased to 6 mph. And, if the 'cold' air is also just reaching Dover, the whole lot'll very likely pivot away SE'wards overnight...?
  18. Dry and mostly sunny here so far, though there seems to be some weakish-looking convection offshore...6C with a 3 mph easterly breeze.
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