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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Sea breeze? Anywho, back to the present: it's raining but it's still warm a and muggy.
  2. Come on peeps, everyone's entitled to their opinions; even if some of those opinions may appear a little difficult to justify... So can we all cut out the personal stuff? Before major editing/deleting happens.
  3. And, as the horribly long-lived cool spell has just shown us, once a pattern becomes established, it can often take some shifting. As yet, I've never seen a convincing forecast - either by model or by man - for what's going to transpire, 32-days from now...
  4. I trust that, when speaking of Jason Donovan and Kajaefiinggoogoo, you mean a Colt 45?
  5. By this time next week, the prospect of a few 'freezing-cold days' at 27C will look like a Godsend!
  6. Shouldn't be a problem, Sains... I'll go for both occurring in London: 34.7 on Wednesday; 23.8, Wednesday - Thursday...
  7. And, based on the amount of hot air: El Osborne?
  8. Normally, I'd agree with you, Ste. But if (a very big 'if') the GFS's evolution is correct, most of the WAA is being pushed eastward into northern Europe, suggesting that the Eurohigh might be the more dominant feature; the Greeny, meanwhile, keeping LP pinned into the central Atlantic?? It all has me thinking that the pattern will stay relatively entrenched until the main source of hot air is cut off??
  9. And it reached 28. What's going to happen, next week?
  10. Well, I'm not...a chance of a heavy (possibly thundery) shower? That seems about right to me...
  11. Free aqualungs on the NHS? For asthmatics, things don't look too good. So, if you have any asthmatics in your family - look after them!
  12. I think that this may be different, mushy...It could be the biggest heatwave in years!
  13. Indeed. But the last, and only time, I suffered from asthma was in 2003, up in the Sneck. So, please peeps, spare a thought for the the really vulnerable, eh? Aye...Very 'dogy'!
  14. Not too far west, I hope? Otherwise it'll all get wasted in mid-Atlantic! Let's play...Spot the UK!
  15. And, interestingly, all the models, the Beeb and the BBC underestimated it by quite a margin. Next week's max?
  16. Not yet up to 1976's sixteen consecutive 32s but, as the Springsteen song goes: Betty Swollocks is Coming to Town!
  17. Especially if next week's temps are being undercooked, like today's clearly have been...
  18. Though I cannae see anything like those temps materializing, I don't one single below-average day in the GFS 06Z. I don't think I've ever seen that before. January not included!
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