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Everything posted by conor123

  1. Glorious 11am-12:30pm with warm sunshine, cloudzilla since, literally wall of slate grey rolled back in, such a shame.
  2. Dull, damp and grey morning thus far but clearance on the way hopefully... Edit: Warm & sunny spells now, 19c
  3. Was about to say first nice Sunday on the way this summer/(year) after 12z shown 22c and sunshine after early rain but back down to 20c and rash of showers on 18z, it won't happen, Sunday and sunshine/warmth are banned this year .
  4. Unfortunately within less than an hour of being home from work the mid level muck returned, lovely and warm though max of 24.2c.
  5. Sunny spells, max of 20c, light winds for once to! just hazing over now.
  6. Hoping we can get at least one nice Sunday this year, amazing how it's been so poor every week consistently (guessing Sun 28th was poor to), weekend's really have been cursed this Spring/Summer with west/north west winds.
  7. Shock horror back to rubbish weekend's now i'm back, Saturday Nights rain keeps speeding up and Sunday usual Autumnal shower fest.
  8. Ghastly stuff, come back to Autumn, that howling wind hasn't stopped for months.
  9. Oh how I wish i'd stayed another week in Turkey, real grotty weather since arriving back, heavy showers yesterday and damp/chilly today though now turned muggy and windy.
  10. Just fizzled into light rain after a few minutes here in the end, storm shield holding firm.
  11. Heavy downpour here with two rumbles of thunder rolled in from nowhere, surprising as just looks like ordinary shower.
  12. Back for a glorious week in sunny Turkey, i'm guessing it's been glorious everyday here while i've been away haha? Slate grey skies this morning, a fitting welcome home standard Sunday.
  13. Warmest day of the year here despite a lot of cloud, actually thought Thursday miracle was happening after work as plenty of sun started breaking through then cloudzilla reappeared from west by 4:30.
  14. It's cos i'm in Turkey, the sun curse will be lifted from Saturday - Saturday across Shropshire Expect breakdown around 16:30 next Saturday with wall of stratocumulus slamming in from the west
  15. Zzzzz all so predictable, hot and sunny this morning whilst in work, still bright this afternoon whilst in work, finish 15:30 slate grey skies since........thankgod off to Turkey in three days, though looks stormy this weekend sods law think i've been banished from seing sunlight now
  16. The 15:30 curse struck again, satellite shows it clearly, used to be 4pm clearance back in the day now it's the 15:30 weekday cloudzillathon LOL soon as I get home from work cloud follows me. Still managed 20.9c regardless and turning clear from west now.
  17. Dodged most of the showers today apart from heavy one mid morning, some decent sunny breaks from 4pm though grey again now (still more sun than the whole weekend though shock horror lol), still got that howling wind though really gusty, in fact it seems like it's been howling between 20-40mph for 6 months now hmmm
  18. Luckily i'll be escaping to Turkey though wouldn't surprise me if the cloud chased me there
  19. Yawn Yawn Yawn Yawn 3 months later same weather, same temperature, 14c slate grey skies howling icy north westerly wind.........
  20. Heavy downpour here, no thunder or anything but beasting down.
  21. Constant fine drizzle all morning here that soaks through everything so may aswell be, doubt it will brighten up till 9pm as always, unbelievable that nights will now be drawing in without even a hint of one BBQ weekend.
  22. ^ Not as cool as Sunday will be, dire 14/15c stratocumulus mania once again!!! tomorrow at least warm for a washout Saturday, any convection/showers are not wanted, stay well away, of course as it's the weekend it will probably rain all day though haha!
  23. Unbelievable, that thick Thursday haze arrived again now im home with the sun barely shining through after being lovely whilst in work earlier!!!!
  24. Standard overcast Sunday only it was definitely a Wednesday as never can hit 20c on a Sunday. Speaking of Sunday and the weekend in general, direeeee as usual! looks like that hope the GFS was spouting yesterday has vanished completely, what a surprise....
  25. Believe me i'm working on it turned sunny again now, seems to be the week day routine lately, hot sunny in work till 15:30, mid level/high level haze 15:30-19:30 then sunny again! apart from a Friday when the weekend rains begin
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