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Weather Enthusiast91

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Everything posted by Weather Enthusiast91

  1. I must admit though, the little squabbles that Sunny and Markyo have are certainly a great source of entertainment. Who needs Netflix when you can just come on to here?
  2. Agreed. Having warm (or even hot) sunny weather during September isn't enough to make it feel summery. Let's take that very warm spell we had at the end of Sept 2011 and into October. Whilst it was a fantastic spell for the time of year, it was still pretty obvious that it was indeed autumn. The surrounding nature, the weakening of the sun, taking much longer (or not getting one at all) to get a suntan and the rapidly declining daylight hours told me what season we were really in. It is the same as having unseasonably cold weather during March and April not feeling like winter.
  3. I did consider mentioning 2011. But (for my location at least) it didn't get to 23 Celsius or above until the 28th. That means that some of us didn't have 5 consecutive very warm days above 23 Celsius that month. The spell did last into the early part of October but I was only thinking of September. But yes, that hot spell is certainly one to remember.
  4. For me, September is quite a gentle month - not too warm and not too cool. You often get some lovely weather during the month of September, even in the second half. Nonetheless, 5 consecutive days of unseasonable warmth does become more and more difficult though. Throughout my lifetime, I can only recall 2003 ever achieving this.
  5. Not really, as these current temperatures and weather conditions are pretty average for early September. And we haven't had an air frost yet.
  6. In my opinion, I would say that this has been a so so summer. The reason why I say this is because of how boring July was. June wasn't too bad but August was by far my favourite summer month this year due to how erratic it has been. Blazing hot temperatures followed by thunderstorms, a couple of named storms and then a cooler period towards the end. I particularly enjoyed the thunderstorms. June - 6/10 July - 3/10 August - 10/10 Summer 2020 overall - 6/10
  7. And why are you moaning that others are moaning over others moaning on the moans chat? But now it appears that I am moaning that you are moaning over others moaning over the fact that others are moaning over those who are moaning on the moans chat.
  8. During September, I have a feeling that we will be getting the best of the weather around the middle of the month (temps in the early to mid 20s). The first part of the month will be low pressure dominated, so essentially a continuation from what we are experiencing now. Late in in the month I reckon it will be mainly settled, but a little cooler (high teens) and with some cool nights.
  9. Despite only being in my late 20s, I grew up without central heating in our home. Whilst we do have it now, I am pretty much accustomed to 13 Celsius indoor temps during the winter (it's an old house), so I can put up with it if I really had to. Still not particularly pleasant though and I do like to have my bedroom at around 16-18 Celsius when I am sleeping and around 19-21 Celsius at other times.
  10. I could count using the fingers on just the one of my hands how many wasps I have seen throughout this summer. One tried to fly through my open window earlier on today but it thankfully flew away after about a minute. I despise those pesky little creatures.
  11. What's makes it worse is that 99% of the Christmas songs being played in shops are cheesy remake modern versions. I hardly ever hear the original versions being played anymore. These modern remakes don't at all feel Christmasy.
  12. Am I the only person who prefers the shorter daylight hours as opposed to longer ones? As more of nocturnal person I find that I can get things done better when it's dark, and it's also a lot more peaceful overall as there's less going on around me. As for winter itself, I am looking forward to it a little less than I used to because of the lack of variety; ie, lack of snow and lack of cold crisp sunny days. There's far too many mild or cool overcast days now.
  13. Agreed. I consider the beginning of late summer on the first evening I really start to notice the nights drawing in, and that was yesterday. From that point, the process speeds up a bit as we head into the next season. And likewise with the days getting longer from mid February.
  14. This is officially the first evening I am really starting to notice the nights drawing in. I never really notice it all that much until around the middle of August as the process is very gradual.
  15. I suppose spiders themselves aren't really much of a problem. It's when you blink and you find that it's gone. Could be anywhere.
  16. As someone who has arachnophobia, I can certainly understand how you feel. I do try to avoid killing them if I can though because I do appreciate that they are very beneficial and without them we will have insects galore. However, I do not have the confidence to use the popular glass and paper method to put them outside (except for when it's a small spider), so before I got this spider catcher I'd normally get the hoover onto them. I would HATE living in Australia, due to my phobia of spiders.
  17. I can certainly vouch for peppermint. Whilst I love autumn, I do dread spider season as I have a phobia of spiders, so the peppermint hack is a life saver for me. Whenever one of those big buggers do get in however, I use a spider catcher which I bought off Amazon. Another life saver.
  18. Had our first daddy long legs last night, and this morning I noticed two cobwebs in my front garden.
  19. There is nothing more British than moaning about the weather.
  20. It has been a bit of weird summer this one. Weather wise, it has either been one or the other and no in between. And usually when we get a heatwave it gradually builds up until we eventually reach the peak of it, but this summer all hot days came out of the blue. As a weather enthusiast, I am finding it interesting though.
  21. I am currently craving a good thunderstorm or two, so I do hope we get a couple. Proper thunderstorms though, not just a few little rumbles here and there.
  22. Here's hoping. Fingers crossed for all of us weather enthusiasts.
  23. I really hope that happens. Brum frequently misses out on the thunderstorms whereas most other places are getting them, though we have had a few rumbles here and there in June. I would love a proper thunderstorm for a change.
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